args($args) ); } /** * Creates a namespace builder. * * @param null|string|Node\Name $name Name of the namespace * * @return Builder\Namespace_ The created namespace builder */ public function namespace($name) : Builder\Namespace_ { return new Builder\Namespace_($name); } /** * Creates a class builder. * * @param string $name Name of the class * * @return Builder\Class_ The created class builder */ public function class(string $name) : Builder\Class_ { return new Builder\Class_($name); } /** * Creates an interface builder. * * @param string $name Name of the interface * * @return Builder\Interface_ The created interface builder */ public function interface(string $name) : Builder\Interface_ { return new Builder\Interface_($name); } /** * Creates a trait builder. * * @param string $name Name of the trait * * @return Builder\Trait_ The created trait builder */ public function trait(string $name) : Builder\Trait_ { return new Builder\Trait_($name); } /** * Creates a trait use builder. * * @param Node\Name|string ...$traits Trait names * * @return Builder\TraitUse The create trait use builder */ public function useTrait(...$traits) : Builder\TraitUse { return new Builder\TraitUse(...$traits); } /** * Creates a trait use adaptation builder. * * @param Node\Name|string|null $trait Trait name * @param Node\Identifier|string $method Method name * * @return Builder\TraitUseAdaptation The create trait use adaptation builder */ public function traitUseAdaptation($trait, $method = null) : Builder\TraitUseAdaptation { if ($method === null) { $method = $trait; $trait = null; } return new Builder\TraitUseAdaptation($trait, $method); } /** * Creates a method builder. * * @param string $name Name of the method * * @return Builder\Method The created method builder */ public function method(string $name) : Builder\Method { return new Builder\Method($name); } /** * Creates a parameter builder. * * @param string $name Name of the parameter * * @return Builder\Param The created parameter builder */ public function param(string $name) : Builder\Param { return new Builder\Param($name); } /** * Creates a property builder. * * @param string $name Name of the property * * @return Builder\Property The created property builder */ public function property(string $name) : Builder\Property { return new Builder\Property($name); } /** * Creates a function builder. * * @param string $name Name of the function * * @return Builder\Function_ The created function builder */ public function function(string $name) : Builder\Function_ { return new Builder\Function_($name); } /** * Creates a namespace/class use builder. * * @param Node\Name|string $name Name of the entity (namespace or class) to alias * * @return Builder\Use_ The created use builder */ public function use($name) : Builder\Use_ { return new Builder\Use_($name, Use_::TYPE_NORMAL); } /** * Creates a function use builder. * * @param Node\Name|string $name Name of the function to alias * * @return Builder\Use_ The created use function builder */ public function useFunction($name) : Builder\Use_ { return new Builder\Use_($name, Use_::TYPE_FUNCTION); } /** * Creates a constant use builder. * * @param Node\Name|string $name Name of the const to alias * * @return Builder\Use_ The created use const builder */ public function useConst($name) : Builder\Use_ { return new Builder\Use_($name, Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT); } /** * Creates a class constant builder. * * @param string|Identifier $name Name * @param Node\Expr|bool|null|int|float|string|array $value Value * * @return Builder\ClassConst The created use const builder */ public function classConst($name, $value) : Builder\ClassConst { return new Builder\ClassConst($name, $value); } /** * Creates node a for a literal value. * * @param Expr|bool|null|int|float|string|array $value $value * * @return Expr */ public function val($value) : Expr { return BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($value); } /** * Creates variable node. * * @param string|Expr $name Name * * @return Expr\Variable */ public function var($name) : Expr\Variable { if (!\is_string($name) && !$name instanceof Expr) { throw new \LogicException('Variable name must be string or Expr'); } return new Expr\Variable($name); } /** * Normalizes an argument list. * * Creates Arg nodes for all arguments and converts literal values to expressions. * * @param array $args List of arguments to normalize * * @return Arg[] */ public function args(array $args) : array { $normalizedArgs = []; foreach ($args as $key => $arg) { if (!($arg instanceof Arg)) { $arg = new Arg(BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($arg)); } if (\is_string($key)) { $arg->name = BuilderHelpers::normalizeIdentifier($key); } $normalizedArgs[] = $arg; } return $normalizedArgs; } /** * Creates a function call node. * * @param string|Name|Expr $name Function name * @param array $args Function arguments * * @return Expr\FuncCall */ public function funcCall($name, array $args = []) : Expr\FuncCall { return new Expr\FuncCall( BuilderHelpers::normalizeNameOrExpr($name), $this->args($args) ); } /** * Creates a method call node. * * @param Expr $var Variable the method is called on * @param string|Identifier|Expr $name Method name * @param array $args Method arguments * * @return Expr\MethodCall */ public function methodCall(Expr $var, $name, array $args = []) : Expr\MethodCall { return new Expr\MethodCall( $var, BuilderHelpers::normalizeIdentifierOrExpr($name), $this->args($args) ); } /** * Creates a static method call node. * * @param string|Name|Expr $class Class name * @param string|Identifier|Expr $name Method name * @param array $args Method arguments * * @return Expr\StaticCall */ public function staticCall($class, $name, array $args = []) : Expr\StaticCall { return new Expr\StaticCall( BuilderHelpers::normalizeNameOrExpr($class), BuilderHelpers::normalizeIdentifierOrExpr($name), $this->args($args) ); } /** * Creates an object creation node. * * @param string|Name|Expr $class Class name * @param array $args Constructor arguments * * @return Expr\New_ */ public function new($class, array $args = []) : Expr\New_ { return new Expr\New_( BuilderHelpers::normalizeNameOrExpr($class), $this->args($args) ); } /** * Creates a constant fetch node. * * @param string|Name $name Constant name * * @return Expr\ConstFetch */ public function constFetch($name) : Expr\ConstFetch { return new Expr\ConstFetch(BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($name)); } /** * Creates a property fetch node. * * @param Expr $var Variable holding object * @param string|Identifier|Expr $name Property name * * @return Expr\PropertyFetch */ public function propertyFetch(Expr $var, $name) : Expr\PropertyFetch { return new Expr\PropertyFetch($var, BuilderHelpers::normalizeIdentifierOrExpr($name)); } /** * Creates a class constant fetch node. * * @param string|Name|Expr $class Class name * @param string|Identifier $name Constant name * * @return Expr\ClassConstFetch */ public function classConstFetch($class, $name): Expr\ClassConstFetch { return new Expr\ClassConstFetch( BuilderHelpers::normalizeNameOrExpr($class), BuilderHelpers::normalizeIdentifier($name) ); } /** * Creates nested Concat nodes from a list of expressions. * * @param Expr|string ...$exprs Expressions or literal strings * * @return Concat */ public function concat(...$exprs) : Concat { $numExprs = count($exprs); if ($numExprs < 2) { throw new \LogicException('Expected at least two expressions'); } $lastConcat = $this->normalizeStringExpr($exprs[0]); for ($i = 1; $i < $numExprs; $i++) { $lastConcat = new Concat($lastConcat, $this->normalizeStringExpr($exprs[$i])); } return $lastConcat; } /** * @param string|Expr $expr * @return Expr */ private function normalizeStringExpr($expr) : Expr { if ($expr instanceof Expr) { return $expr; } if (\is_string($expr)) { return new String_($expr); } throw new \LogicException('Expected string or Expr'); } }