/* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */
namespace Symfony\Component\Console;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
/** * @author Pierre du Plessis <pdples@gmail.com> */ final class Cursor { private $output; private $input;
public function __construct(OutputInterface $output, $input = null) { $this->output = $output; $this->input = $input ?? (\defined('STDIN') ? \STDIN : fopen('php://input', 'r+')); }
public function moveUp(int $lines = 1): self { $this->output->write(sprintf("\x1b[%dA", $lines));
return $this; }
public function moveDown(int $lines = 1): self { $this->output->write(sprintf("\x1b[%dB", $lines));
return $this; }
public function moveRight(int $columns = 1): self { $this->output->write(sprintf("\x1b[%dC", $columns));
return $this; }
public function moveLeft(int $columns = 1): self { $this->output->write(sprintf("\x1b[%dD", $columns));
return $this; }
public function moveToColumn(int $column): self { $this->output->write(sprintf("\x1b[%dG", $column));
return $this; }
public function moveToPosition(int $column, int $row): self { $this->output->write(sprintf("\x1b[%d;%dH", $row + 1, $column));
return $this; }
public function savePosition(): self { $this->output->write("\x1b7");
return $this; }
public function restorePosition(): self { $this->output->write("\x1b8");
return $this; }
public function hide(): self { $this->output->write("\x1b[?25l");
return $this; }
public function show(): self { $this->output->write("\x1b[?25h\x1b[?0c");
return $this; }
/** * Clears all the output from the current line. */ public function clearLine(): self { $this->output->write("\x1b[2K");
return $this; }
/** * Clears all the output from the current line after the current position. */ public function clearLineAfter(): self { $this->output->write("\x1b[K");
return $this; }
/** * Clears all the output from the cursors' current position to the end of the screen. */ public function clearOutput(): self { $this->output->write("\x1b[0J");
return $this; }
/** * Clears the entire screen. */ public function clearScreen(): self { $this->output->write("\x1b[2J");
return $this; }
/** * Returns the current cursor position as x,y coordinates. */ public function getCurrentPosition(): array { static $isTtySupported;
if (null === $isTtySupported && \function_exists('proc_open')) { $isTtySupported = (bool) @proc_open('echo 1 >/dev/null', [['file', '/dev/tty', 'r'], ['file', '/dev/tty', 'w'], ['file', '/dev/tty', 'w']], $pipes); }
if (!$isTtySupported) { return [1, 1]; }
$sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g'); shell_exec('stty -icanon -echo');
@fwrite($this->input, "\033[6n");
$code = trim(fread($this->input, 1024));
shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode));
sscanf($code, "\033[%d;%dR", $row, $col);
return [$col, $row]; } }