/* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */
namespace Symfony\Component\String;
use Symfony\Component\String\Exception\ExceptionInterface; use Symfony\Component\String\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
/** * Represents a string of Unicode code points encoded as UTF-8. * * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> * @author Hugo Hamon <hugohamon@neuf.fr> * * @throws ExceptionInterface */ class CodePointString extends AbstractUnicodeString { public function __construct(string $string = '') { if ('' !== $string && !preg_match('//u', $string)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid UTF-8 string.'); }
$this->string = $string; }
public function append(string ...$suffix): AbstractString { $str = clone $this; $str->string .= 1 >= \count($suffix) ? ($suffix[0] ?? '') : implode('', $suffix);
if (!preg_match('//u', $str->string)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid UTF-8 string.'); }
return $str; }
public function chunk(int $length = 1): array { if (1 > $length) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The chunk length must be greater than zero.'); }
if ('' === $this->string) { return []; }
$rx = '/('; while (65535 < $length) { $rx .= '.{65535}'; $length -= 65535; } $rx .= '.{'.$length.'})/us';
$str = clone $this; $chunks = [];
foreach (preg_split($rx, $this->string, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $chunk) { $str->string = $chunk; $chunks[] = clone $str; }
return $chunks; }
public function codePointsAt(int $offset): array { $str = $offset ? $this->slice($offset, 1) : $this;
return '' === $str->string ? [] : [mb_ord($str->string, 'UTF-8')]; }
public function endsWith($suffix): bool { if ($suffix instanceof AbstractString) { $suffix = $suffix->string; } elseif (\is_array($suffix) || $suffix instanceof \Traversable) { return parent::endsWith($suffix); } else { $suffix = (string) $suffix; }
if ('' === $suffix || !preg_match('//u', $suffix)) { return false; }
if ($this->ignoreCase) { return preg_match('{'.preg_quote($suffix).'$}iuD', $this->string); }
return \strlen($this->string) >= \strlen($suffix) && 0 === substr_compare($this->string, $suffix, -\strlen($suffix)); }
public function equalsTo($string): bool { if ($string instanceof AbstractString) { $string = $string->string; } elseif (\is_array($string) || $string instanceof \Traversable) { return parent::equalsTo($string); } else { $string = (string) $string; }
if ('' !== $string && $this->ignoreCase) { return \strlen($string) === \strlen($this->string) && 0 === mb_stripos($this->string, $string, 0, 'UTF-8'); }
return $string === $this->string; }
public function indexOf($needle, int $offset = 0): ?int { if ($needle instanceof AbstractString) { $needle = $needle->string; } elseif (\is_array($needle) || $needle instanceof \Traversable) { return parent::indexOf($needle, $offset); } else { $needle = (string) $needle; }
if ('' === $needle) { return null; }
$i = $this->ignoreCase ? mb_stripos($this->string, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8') : mb_strpos($this->string, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8');
return false === $i ? null : $i; }
public function indexOfLast($needle, int $offset = 0): ?int { if ($needle instanceof AbstractString) { $needle = $needle->string; } elseif (\is_array($needle) || $needle instanceof \Traversable) { return parent::indexOfLast($needle, $offset); } else { $needle = (string) $needle; }
if ('' === $needle) { return null; }
$i = $this->ignoreCase ? mb_strripos($this->string, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8') : mb_strrpos($this->string, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8');
return false === $i ? null : $i; }
public function length(): int { return mb_strlen($this->string, 'UTF-8'); }
public function prepend(string ...$prefix): AbstractString { $str = clone $this; $str->string = (1 >= \count($prefix) ? ($prefix[0] ?? '') : implode('', $prefix)).$this->string;
if (!preg_match('//u', $str->string)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid UTF-8 string.'); }
return $str; }
public function replace(string $from, string $to): AbstractString { $str = clone $this;
if ('' === $from || !preg_match('//u', $from)) { return $str; }
if ('' !== $to && !preg_match('//u', $to)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid UTF-8 string.'); }
if ($this->ignoreCase) { $str->string = implode($to, preg_split('{'.preg_quote($from).'}iuD', $this->string)); } else { $str->string = str_replace($from, $to, $this->string); }
return $str; }
public function slice(int $start = 0, int $length = null): AbstractString { $str = clone $this; $str->string = mb_substr($this->string, $start, $length, 'UTF-8');
return $str; }
public function splice(string $replacement, int $start = 0, int $length = null): AbstractString { if (!preg_match('//u', $replacement)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid UTF-8 string.'); }
$str = clone $this; $start = $start ? \strlen(mb_substr($this->string, 0, $start, 'UTF-8')) : 0; $length = $length ? \strlen(mb_substr($this->string, $start, $length, 'UTF-8')) : $length; $str->string = substr_replace($this->string, $replacement, $start, $length ?? \PHP_INT_MAX);
return $str; }
public function split(string $delimiter, int $limit = null, int $flags = null): array { if (1 > $limit = $limit ?? \PHP_INT_MAX) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Split limit must be a positive integer.'); }
if ('' === $delimiter) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Split delimiter is empty.'); }
if (null !== $flags) { return parent::split($delimiter.'u', $limit, $flags); }
if (!preg_match('//u', $delimiter)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Split delimiter is not a valid UTF-8 string.'); }
$str = clone $this; $chunks = $this->ignoreCase ? preg_split('{'.preg_quote($delimiter).'}iuD', $this->string, $limit) : explode($delimiter, $this->string, $limit);
foreach ($chunks as &$chunk) { $str->string = $chunk; $chunk = clone $str; }
return $chunks; }
public function startsWith($prefix): bool { if ($prefix instanceof AbstractString) { $prefix = $prefix->string; } elseif (\is_array($prefix) || $prefix instanceof \Traversable) { return parent::startsWith($prefix); } else { $prefix = (string) $prefix; }
if ('' === $prefix || !preg_match('//u', $prefix)) { return false; }
if ($this->ignoreCase) { return 0 === mb_stripos($this->string, $prefix, 0, 'UTF-8'); }
return 0 === strncmp($this->string, $prefix, \strlen($prefix)); } }