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<template> <view class="app"> <view class="main-wrap" :class="{show: loaded}"> <view class="state-wrap column"> <view class="row" @click="showPopup('timelinePopup')"> <text class="state">{{ data.statusText }}</text> <text v-if="data.timeline" class="mix-icon icon-you"></text> </view> <text v-if="data.status_tip" class="tip">{{ data.status_tip }}</text> </view> <!-- 物流信息 --> <view v-if="expressInfo.context" class="addr-sec wl" @click="navToExpress(data)"> <text class="mix-icon icon-wuliuyunshu"></text> <view class="con column"> <text class="context">{{ expressInfo.context }}</text> <text class="time">{{ expressInfo.ftime }}</text> </view> <text class="mix-icon icon-you"></text> </view> <!-- 地址 --> <view class="addr-sec"> <text class="mix-icon icon-dizhi"></text> <view class="con column"> <text class="addr">{{ addr.address.address }} {{ }}</text> <text class="name">{{ }} {{ }}</text> </view> </view> <!-- 商品 --> <view v-if="data.products.length > 0" class="goods-sec"> <product-list :list="data.products"></product-list> </view> <!-- 价格信息 --> <view class="price-sec"> <view class="cell row"> <text class="tit fill">商品金额</text> <text>¥{{ data.price_data.goods_price || 0 }}</text> </view> <view class="cell row"> <text class="tag">满</text> <text class="tit fill">订单满减</text> <text>-¥{{ data.price_data.full_reduction_money || 0 }}</text> </view> <view class="cell row"> <text class="tag red">券</text> <text class="tit fill">优惠券</text> <text>-¥{{ data.price_data.coupon_money || 0 }}</text> </view> <view class="cell row"> <text class="tit fill">配送费</text> <text>¥0</text> </view> <view class="total row b-t"> <text class="price">¥{{ data.price_data.pay_price || 0 }}</text> </view> </view> <view class="board"> <view class="cell"> <text class="tit">订单编号:</text> <text class="text">{{ data.order_number || '' }}</text> <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <view class="copy-btn center round" @click="copy(data.order_number)"> <text>复制</text> </view> <!-- #endif --> </view> <view class="cell"> <text class="tit">下单时间:</text> <text class="text">{{ data.add_time | date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }}</text> </view> <view v-if="data.pay_type" class="cell"> <text class="tit">支付方式:</text> <text class="text">{{ data.pay_type==='wxpay'?'微信支付':data.pay_type==='alipay'?'支付宝支付':'余额支付' }}</text> </view> <view v-if="data.remarks" class="cell"> <text class="tit">订单备注:</text> <text class="text">{{ data.remarks }}</text> </view> </view> <view class="bottom-fill-view"></view> <view class="page-bottom row"> <view v-if="data.status===4 || data.status===10 || data.status===11 || data.status===14" class="btn center round" @click="deleteOrder(data)"> <text>删除订单</text> </view> <view v-if="data.status===0" class="btn center round" @click="cancelOrder(data)"> <text>取消订单</text> </view> <view v-if="data.status===0" class="btn center" @click="pay(data)"> <text>立即支付</text> </view> <!-- #ifdef MP --> <button type="default" open-type="contact"> <view v-if="data.status===1" class="btn center round" @click="cancelOrder(item)"> <text>联系客服</text> </view> </button> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <view v-if="data.status===1" class="btn center round" @click="showRefundAction(data)"> <text>申请退款</text> </view> <!-- #endif --> <!-- <view v-if="data.status===1" class="btn center round" @click="navTo('zizhufahuo?id='+data._id)"> <text>自助发货</text> </view> --> <view v-if="data.status===2" class="btn center round" @click="navToExpress(data)"> <text>查看物流</text> </view> <view v-if="data.status===2" class="btn center" @click="confirmReceipt(data)"> <text>确认收货</text> </view> <view v-if="data.status===3" class="btn center" @click="rate(data)"> <text>立即评价</text> </view> </view> </view> <!-- 时间轴 --> <uni-popup v-if="data.timeline" ref="timelinePopup"> <view class="timeline-content"> <scroll-view class="timeline-scroll" scroll-y="true"> <mix-timeline :list="data.timeline"></mix-timeline> </scroll-view> <text class="mix-icon icon-guanbi1" @click="hidePopup('timelinePopup')"></text> </view> </uni-popup> <mix-loading v-if="isLoading"></mix-loading> <mix-modal ref="mixModal" title="订单提示" :text="modalText" @onConfirm="onModalConfirm"></mix-modal> <mix-action-sheet ref="mixActionSheet" @onConfirm="refund"></mix-action-sheet> </view> </template>
<script> import OrderMixin from './mixin/order.js' import productList from './components/product-list' export default { components: { productList }, mixins: [OrderMixin], data() { return { modalText: '', //确认对话框内容
addr: { address: {} }, data: { products: [], price_data: {} }, expressInfo: {},//物流信息
} }, onLoad(options){ =; this.loadData(); }, methods: { async loadData(){ const res = await this.$request('order', 'getDetail', { id: }, {showLoading: !this.loaded}) if(res.status === 0){ this.$util.msg('订单不存在'); setTimeout(()=>{ uni.navigateBack(); }, 1000) return; } const data =; if(data.express_info && && > 0){ this.expressInfo =[0]; } = data; console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))); this.addr = data.address; }, copy(str){ uni.setClipboardData({ data: str }) } } } </script>
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