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<template> <view class="mix-botoom-operation row"> <view class="nav-group row"> <view class="nav column center" @click="switchTab('/pages/tabbar/home')"> <text class="mix-icon icon-home"></text> <text class="tit">首页</text> </view> <view class="nav column center" @click="switchTab('/pages/tabbar/cart')"> <text class="mix-icon icon-gouwuche"></text> <text class="tit">购物车</text> <view v-if="cartCount > 0" class="number center"> <text>{{ cartCount }}</text> </view> </view> <view class="nav column center" :class="{active: is_fav === 1}" @click="changeFav"> <text class="mix-icon" :class="is_fav === 1 ? 'icon-shoucang' : 'icon-shoucang-1'"></text> <text class="tit">收藏</text> </view> </view> <view class="btn-group row"> <view class="btn center" @click="onOprationClick('cart')"> <text>加入购物车</text> </view> <view class="btn center" @click="onOprationClick('buy')"> <text>立即购买</text> </view> </view> <mix-loading v-if="isLoading" :mask="true"></mix-loading> </view> </template>
<script> /** * 商品详情页 底部操作菜单 */ export default { name: 'BotoomOperation', data() { return { is_fav: 0 }; }, computed: { cartCount(){ return this.$store.state.cartCount; } }, props: { infoData: { type: Object, default(){ return {} } } }, watch: { infoData(data){ this.is_fav = data.fav; } }, methods: { //收藏
async changeFav(){ if(!this.$util.isLogin()){ return; } const operation = this.is_fav === 1 ? 'remove': 'add'; const response = await this.$request('favorite', operation, { product_id: this.infoData._id }, {showLoading: true}) if(response.status === 1){ this.is_fav = this.is_fav === 1 ? 0: 1; }else{ this.$util.msg(this.is_fav === 1 ? '取消收藏失败' : '收藏失败'); } }, onOprationClick(type){ this.$emit('onOprationClick', type) }, switchTab(url){ uni.switchTab({ url }) } } } </script>
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