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<template> <view class="app"> <view class="page-tip row"> <text>问题和建议</text> </view> <view class="textarea-wrap"> <textarea maxlength="150" v-model="content" placeholder="请详细描述您的问题和意见 .." placeholder-style="color:#999" /> </view> <view class="page-tip row"> <text>相关图片(选填)</text> </view> <view class="upload-wrap"> <mix-upload-image ref="mixUploadImage" :length="4"></mix-upload-image> </view> <view class="page-tip row" style="padding-top: 0;height: 70rpx;"> <text>联系人</text> </view> <input v-model="name" class="input-cell" type="text" maxlength="8" placeholder="请留下您的姓名或称呼" placeholder-style="color:#999" /> <view class="page-tip row"> <text>联系方式</text> </view> <input v-model="mobile" class="input-cell" type="number" maxlength="11" placeholder="请输入您的手机号码" placeholder-style="color:#999" /> <mix-button ref="confirmBtn" text="提交" marginTop="80rpx" @onConfirm="confirm"></mix-button> </view> </template>
<script> export default { data() { return { content: '', name: '', mobile: '', } }, methods: { async confirm(){ const {content, name, mobile} = this; if(!content){ this.$util.msg('请输入您的问题或建议'); this.$refs.confirmBtn.stop(); return; } if(!name){ this.$util.msg('请输入您的姓名或称呼'); this.$refs.confirmBtn.stop(); return; } if(!mobile){ this.$util.msg('请输入您的手机号码,以便我们与您联系'); this.$refs.confirmBtn.stop(); return; } const data = { content, name, mobile, images: this.$> item.url) } const res = await this.$request('feedback', 'add', data); this.$util.msg(res.msg); this.$refs.confirmBtn.stop(); if(res.status == 1){ setTimeout(()=>{ uni.navigateBack(); }, 1000) } } } } </script>
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