You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<template> <view class="app"> <mescroll-body ref="mescrollRef" @init="mescrollInit" :top="0" @down="downCallback" :up="upOption" @up="loadList" > <product-list ref="productList" :list="list" listType="column"></product-list> </mescroll-body> <mix-loading v-if="isLoading" :type="2"></mix-loading> </view> </template>
<script> import productList from '@/pages/product/components/product-list' import MescrollMixin from "@/components/mescroll-uni/mescroll-mixins.js"; export default { components: { productList }, mixins: [MescrollMixin], data() { return { list: [], upOption:{ auto: false, // 是否自动加载
page: { num: 0, // 当前页码,默认0,回调之前会加1,即callback(page)会从1开始
size: 6 // 每页数据的数量
}, noMoreSize: 6 }, } }, methods: { //加载热门推荐列表
async loadList(e){ if(this.$refs.productList){ this.$refs.productList.loadType = e.num === 1 ? 'refresh': 'add'; } const res = await this.$request('favorite', 'get', { offset: (e.num - 1) * e.size, limit: e.size, }); const curList => { return { fav_id: item._id, ...item.product } }) if(e.num === 1){ this.list = []; this.loaded && curList.forEach(item=> {item.loaded = true;}) } this.list = this.list.concat(curList); //追加新数据
this.mescroll.endSuccess(curList.length); //结束加载状态
}, mescrollInit(mescroll){ this.isLoading = true; this.mescroll = mescroll; this.mescroll.resetUpScroll(false) } } } </script>
<style> page{ background-color: #f8f8f8; } </style> <style scoped lang="scss"> .app{ padding-top: 20rpx; padding-bottom: 20rpx; } </style>