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<template> <view class="app"> <view class="main-wrap" :class="{show: loaded}"> <view class="item column" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index" @click="chooseAddress(item)"> <view class="row"> <text class="name">{{ }}</text> <text class="mobile">{{ }}</text> <text v-if="item.is_default" class="tag">默认</text> </view> <text class="content">{{ item.address.address }} {{ }}</text> <view class="bot row b-t" @click.stop.prevent="stopPrevent"> <view class="btn center" @click="showDelModal(index)"> <text class="mix-icon icon-lajitong"></text> <text>删除</text> </view> <view class="btn center" @click="editAddr(item)"> <text class="mix-icon icon-bianji"></text> <text>编辑</text> </view> </view> </view> <view v-if="list.length > 0" class="bot-btn-wrap fix-bot"> <mix-button text="新增收货地址" icon="icon-jia2" :iconSize="36" :isConfirm="false" @onConfirm="navTo('manage')"></mix-button> </view> </view> <mix-modal ref="mixModal" title="提示" text="确定要删除该地址吗" @onConfirm="deleteAddr"></mix-modal> <mix-loading v-if="isLoading" :type="list.length > 0 ? 1 : 2"></mix-loading> <!-- 缺省 --> <mix-empty v-else-if="loaded && list.length === 0" type="address" backgroundColor="#fff"></mix-empty> </view> </template>
<script> export default { data() { return { list: [] } }, onLoad(options) { this.isChoose = !!options.choose; this.choosedId =; this.loadData(); }, methods: { async loadData(){ const res = await this.$request('address', 'get', {}, { showLoading: !this.loaded }); this.list =; }, //选择地址
chooseAddress(item){ if(!this.isChoose){ return; } this.$util.prePage().setAddress(item); uni.navigateBack(); }, /** * 删除地址 * 注意 删除成功已选择的地址需要清空 */ async deleteAddr(){ const res = await this.$request('address', 'remove', { id: this.list[this.curIndex]._id }, { showLoading: true }) this.$util.msg(res.msg); if(res.status === 1){ this.list.splice(this.curIndex, 1); this.isChoose && this.choosedId && this.$util.prePage().setAddress({}); } }, //编辑地址
editAddr(item){ this.navTo(`manage?data=${JSON.stringify(item)}`); }, showDelModal(index){ this.curIndex = index; this.$; } } } </script>
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