var PLUGIN_VAR_NAME = 'g'; var FOOTNOTES_VAR_NAME = 'fn'; var ADAPTIVE_VIEW_VAR_NAME = 'view'; var SCALE_VAR_NAME = 'sc'; var DIM_VAR_NAME = 'dm'; var ROT_VAR_NAME = 'r'; var CLOUD_VAR_NAME = 'cl'; var TRACE_VAR_NAME = 'tr'; var RP_VERSION = 9; var lastLeftPanelWidth = 220; var lastRightPanelWidth = 220; var lastLeftPanelWidthDefault = 220; var lastRightPanelWidthDefault = 220; var toolBarOnly = true; // TODO: need to find a way to get rid of iphone X hacks!!!
// - could possibly have app detect iphone and send information back to player, but currently, that information would arrive too late
var iphoneX = false; var iphoneXFirstPass = true;
// isolate scope
(function () {
if (!window.$axure) window.$axure = function () { }; if (typeof console == 'undefined') console = { log: function () { } }; if (window._axUtils) $axure.utils = _axUtils;
var getHashStringVar = $axure.player.getHashStringVar = function (query) { var qstring = self.location.href.split("#"); if (qstring.length < 2) return ""; return GetParameter(qstring, query); }
var isCloud = $axure.player.isCloud = getHashStringVar(CLOUD_VAR_NAME); if (isCloud) { $("#topPanel").css('display', 'none'); lastRightPanelWidthDefault = 290; }else { $("#topPanel").css('display', ''); }
$axure.loadDocument = function (document) { $axure.document = document;
var configuration = $axure.document.configuration; var _settings = {}; _settings.projectId = configuration.prototypeId; _settings.projectName = configuration.projectName; _settings.isAxshare = configuration.isAxshare; _settings.isExpo = configuration.isExpo == null ? false : configuration.isExpo; _settings.loadSitemap = configuration.loadSitemap; _settings.loadFeedbackPlugin = configuration.loadFeedbackPlugin; var cHash = getHashStringVar(SITEMAP_COLLAPSE_VAR_NAME); _settings.startCollapsed = cHash == SITEMAP_COLLAPSE_VALUE; if (cHash == SITEMAP_CLOSE_VALUE) closePlayer(); var gHash = getHashStringVar(PLUGIN_VAR_NAME); _settings.startPluginGid = gHash;
$axure.player.settings = _settings;
var additionalJs = $axure.document.additionalJs; if (additionalJs != null) { var total = additionalJs.length; if (total > 0) $.holdReady(true); $.each(additionalJs, function (index, value) { var script = window.document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = value; script.async = false; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function (e) { if (!script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(script.readyState)) { script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; script = undefined; } if (--total == 0) $.holdReady(false); } window.document.head.appendChild(script); }); }
var additionalCss = $axure.document.additionalCss; if(additionalCss != null) { $.each(additionalCss, function(index, value) { var style = window.document.createElement('link'); style.type = "text/css"; style.rel = "stylesheet"; style.href = value; window.document.head.appendChild(style); }); }
if(_settings.isExpo && configuration.isMobile) { initializeDeviceFrame(); }
// Pseudo-indicator that the document has been loaded
$axure.document.isLoaded = true; };
$(window).bind('load', function () { if ((CHROME && BROWSER_VERSION < 64) || // First 2018 release
(SAFARI && BROWSER_VERSION < 602) || // Minor version 10
(FIREFOX && BROWSER_VERSION < 57) || // Support Quantum
($axure.browser.isEdge && BROWSER_VERSION < 15) || // 15 for mobile devices (else could go 16, possibly 17)
(!$axure.browser.isEdge && IE)) { if (!QQ && !UC) appendOutOfDateNotification(); }
if (CHROME_5_LOCAL && !$('body').attr('pluginDetected')) { window.location = 'resources/chrome/chrome.html'; }
if (FIREFOX && BROWSER_VERSION >= 68 && document.location.href.indexOf('file://') >= 0) { //detecting firefox and local
window.location = 'resources/chrome/firefox.html'; } });
function appendOutOfDateNotification() { var toAppend = ''; toAppend += '<div id="browserOutOfDateNotification">'; toAppend += ' <div style="font-size: 24px; text-align: center; color: #FFFFFF;">LOOKS LIKE YOUR BROWSER IS OUT OF DATE</div>'; toAppend += ' <div style="font-size: 14px; text-align: center; color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 16px;">This prototype may not look or function correctly until you update your browser</div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="supportedBrowsersListContainer">'; toAppend += ' <div class="browserContainer">'; toAppend += ' <div class="browserName">Google Chrome</div><div class="browserSupportedVersion">v64 and later</div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' <div class="browserContainer">'; toAppend += ' <div class="browserName">Mozilla Firefox</div><div class="browserSupportedVersion">v57 and later</div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' <div class="browserContainer">'; toAppend += ' <div class="browserName">Microsoft Edge</div><div class="browserSupportedVersion">v15 and later</div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' <div class="browserContainer">'; toAppend += ' <div class="browserName">Apple Safari</div><div class="browserSupportedVersion">v10 and later</div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="browserOutOfDateNotificationButtons">' if (!MOBILE_DEVICE) { toAppend += ' <div style="margin-right: 36px"><a href="http://outdatedbrowser.com/en" id="updateBrowserButton">UPDATE BROWSER</a></div>'; toAppend += ' <div style="flex: 0 1 45%;"><a id="continueToPrototypeButton">Continue viewing prototype anyway</a></div>'; } else { toAppend += ' <div style="width: 100%; text-align:center"><a id="continueToPrototypeButton">Continue viewing prototype anyway</a></div>'; } toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += '</div>';
$('#continueToPrototypeButton').on('click', function () { var $message = $('#browserOutOfDateNotification'); $message.children().hide(); $message.css('padding-top', '0px'); $message.animate({ 'height': '0px' }, { duration: 400, complete: function () { $message.hide(); } }); }); }
$axure.page.bind('load.start', mainFrame_onload); $axure.messageCenter.addMessageListener(messageCenter_message);
var suppressPluginVarUpdate = false; $(document).on('pluginShown', function (event, data) { if (!suppressPluginVarUpdate) $axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash(PLUGIN_VAR_NAME, data ? data : ''); });
$(document).on('pluginCreated', function (event, data) { if (!$axure.player.isMobileMode() && $axure.player.settings.startPluginGid.indexOf(data) > -1) { suppressPluginVarUpdate = true; $axure.player.showPlugin(data); suppressPluginVarUpdate = false; }
if (data == '1') { $('#interfaceControlFrame').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); }
if ($axure.player.settings.isExpo) { // TODO: Do this only if expo is a mobile device
// TODO: Figure out better way to deal with this issue
$axure.messageCenter.postMessage('setDeviceMode', { device: false }); $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('setDeviceMode', { device: true }); //$axure.player.refreshViewPort();
} }); function initializeEvents() { $('#interfaceControlFrameMinimizeContainer').on('click', collapse); $('#interfaceControlFrameCloseButton').on('click', closePlayer); $('#interfacePageNameContainer').on($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, toggleSitemap); $('#interfaceAdaptiveViewsContainer').on($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, toggleAdaptiveViewsPopup); $('#overflowMenuButton').on($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, toggleOverflowMenuPopup);
if (!MOBILE_DEVICE) { $('#maximizePanel').mouseenter(function () { $(this).addClass('maximizePanelOver'); }); $('#maximizePanel').mouseleave(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('maximizePanelOver')) { $(this).animate(isMobileMode() ? { top: '-' + $('#maximizePanel').height() + 'px' } : { left: '-' + $('#maximizePanel').width() + 'px' }, 300); } $(this).removeClass('maximizePanelOver'); }); $('#maximizePanelOver').mouseenter(function () { $('#maximizePanel').animate(isMobileMode() ? { top: '0px' } : { left: '0px' }, 100); }); }
$minimizeContainer = $('#interfaceControlFrameMinimizeContainer'); $minimizeContainer.mouseenter(function () { $minimizeContainer.addClass('collapseHovered') }); $minimizeContainer.mouseleave(function () { $minimizeContainer.removeClass('collapseHovered') }); $maximizeContainer = $('#maximizePanelContainer'); $maximizeContainer.mouseenter(function () { if(!MOBILE_DEVICE) $minimizeContainer.addClass('expandHovered') }); $maximizeContainer.mouseleave(function () { if(!MOBILE_DEVICE) $minimizeContainer.removeClass('expandHovered') });
$('#maximizePanel').click(function () { $(this).removeClass('maximizePanelOver'); $('#maximizePanelContainer').hide(); $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('expandFrame'); });
$('#mHideSidebar').on($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, function (e) { startM(e); }); $('#lsplitbar').on($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, startLeftSplit); $('#rsplitbar').on($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, startRightSplit);
if ($axure.mobileSupport.mobile) { var touchCount = 0; var lastTouch = Date.now(); $('#mainPanel').on('touchstart', (function (e) { var now = Date.now(); if (now - lastTouch < 375) { if (++touchCount === 3) { if ($axure.player.isMobileMode() || MOBILE_DEVICE) expand(); touchCount = 0; e.preventDefault(); }; } else { touchCount = 1; } lastTouch = now; })); }
$(window).resize(function () { $axure.player.resizeContent(); });
$(window).on("orientationchange", function () { // IOS often does not complete updating innerHeight and innerWidth
// until after calling orientation changed and resized window
// Also, cannot use $(window).height() call since iOS11 needs padding amount
iphoneXFirstPass = false if (IOS && isMobileMode()) setTimeout(function () { $axure.player.resizeContent(true); }, 250); });
$('#mainPanel').scroll(function () { repositionClippingBoundsScroll(); }); }
function initializeMainFrame() { var legacyQString = getQueryString("Page"); if (legacyQString.length > 0) { location.href = location.href.substring(0, location.href.indexOf("?")) + "#" + PAGE_URL_NAME + "=" + legacyQString; return; }
var mainFrame = document.getElementById("mainFrame"); //if it's local file on safari, test if we can access mainframe after its loaded
if (SAFARI && document.location.href.indexOf('file://') >= 0) { $(mainFrame).on('load', function () { var canAccess; try { var mainFrameWindow = mainFrame.contentWindow || mainFrame.contentDocument; mainFrameWindow['safari_file_CORS'] = 'Y'; canAccess = mainFrameWindow['safari_file_CORS'] === 'Y'; } catch (err) { canAccess = false; }
if (!canAccess) window.location = 'resources/chrome/safari.html'; }); }
if($axure.player.settings != null && !$axure.player.settings.isExpo) { const linkUrlWithVars = $axure.getLinkUrlWithVars(getInitialUrl()); mainFrame.contentWindow.location.href = linkUrlWithVars; } }
function initializeDeviceFrame() { // TODO: Load device bezel and necessary overlays if applicable
// - Need to determine if device has a frame/overlay
// - Determine where to store said assets
// - Determine sizing, positioning, orientation, and styling for HTML containers
// - Verify that it stays consistent for every state (expo)
var expo = $axure.expo; var project = expo.project; var device = project.Platform.Device;
// in expo.ts, Web is 12
if (device === 12) { // Hide containers
$('#deviceFrameContainer').hide(); $('#bezelOverlay').hide();
return; }
// map devices to their corresponding frame/bezel/overlays
} var wasMobile = false; var isMobileMode = $axure.player.isMobileMode = function () { return $axure.utils.isShareApp() || (MOBILE_DEVICE && $(window).width() < 420); } var isMobileTextEntry = false;
var isViewOverridden = $axure.player.isViewOverridden = function() { return getHashStringVar(ADAPTIVE_VIEW_VAR_NAME).length > 0; }
function toggleSitemapMobileMode() { var $container = $('#sitemapHost'); if (!$container.length) return; var $header = $container.find('.pluginNameHeader'); var projectName = $axure.player.getProjectName();
if (isMobileMode()) { $header.text('PROJECT PAGES'); $container.addClass('mobileMode'); $container.find('.sitemapPageName').addClass('mobileText'); // Give sitemapHost left-margin so it does not collide with projectOptionsHost
if (MOBILE_DEVICE) $container.css('margin-left', '13px'); } else { $container.removeClass('mobileMode'); $header.text(projectName ? projectName : 'Pages'); $container.find('.sitemapPageName').removeClass('mobileText'); if (MOBILE_DEVICE) $container.css('margin-left', ''); } }
function togglePageNotesMobileMode() { var $container = $('#pageNotesHost'); if (!$container.length) return;
if (isMobileMode()) { $container.addClass('mobileMode'); $('#pageNotesSectionHeader').text('PAGE NOTES'); $('#widgetNotesSectionHeader').text('WIDGET NOTES'); $container.find('.notesPageNameHeader').addClass('mobileSubHeader'); $container.find('.pageNote').addClass('mobileText'); $container.find('.emptyStateTitle').addClass('mobileSubHeader'); $container.find('.emptyStateContent').addClass('mobileText'); } else { $container.removeClass('mobileMode'); $('#pageNotesSectionHeader').text('Page Notes'); $('#widgetNotesSectionHeader').text('Widget Notes'); $container.find('.notesPageNameHeader').removeClass('mobileSubHeader'); $container.find('.pageNote').removeClass('mobileText'); $container.find('.emptyStateTitle').removeClass('mobileSubHeader'); $container.find('.emptyStateContent').removeClass('mobileText'); } }
function toggleFeedbackMobileMode() { var $container = $('#feedbackHost'); if (!$container.length) return;
if (isMobileMode()) { $container.addClass('mobileMode'); } else { $container.removeClass('mobileMode'); } }
$axure.player.updatePlugins = function updatePlugins() { if (MOBILE_DEVICE && !$axure.utils.isShareApp()) { var hostPanelPadding = isMobileMode() ? '8px 15px 0px 15px' : ''; $('.rightPanel .leftPanel .mobileOnlyPanel').css('padding', hostPanelPadding); }
if (isMobileMode()) { $('body').addClass('mobileMode'); if ($('#debugHost').length) $('#debugHost').hide(); if ($('#handoffHost').length) $('#handoffHost').hide(); } else $('body').removeClass('mobileMode');
toggleSitemapMobileMode(); togglePageNotesMobileMode(); toggleFeedbackMobileMode(); }
// TODO: this is done for IOS and Android (check what can be done for Pixel, etc)
$axure.player.setIsMobileModeTextEntry = function (isTextEntry) { isMobileTextEntry = isTextEntry; if (IOS && isTextEntry) { activateMobileTextEntry() } else if (IOS) { setTimeout(deactivateMobileTextEntry, 150); } }
function deactivateMobileTextEntry() { newHeight = window.innerHeight; var newControlHeight = newHeight - (!$axure.utils.isShareApp() ? 140 : IOS ? 157 : 138);
if (!$('.leftPanel').hasClass('popup')) { $('.leftPanel').height(newControlHeight); } $('.rightPanel').height(newControlHeight); $('.mobileOnlyPanel').height(newControlHeight); $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').show(); }
function activateMobileTextEntry() { $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').hide();
newHeight = window.innerHeight; var newControlHeight = newHeight - (!$axure.utils.isShareApp() ? 140 : IOS ? 157 : 138); newControlHeight = newControlHeight + (!$axure.utils.isShareApp() ? 61 : IOS ? 72 : 60);
if (!$('.leftPanel').hasClass('popup')) { $('.leftPanel').height(newControlHeight); } $('.rightPanel').height(newControlHeight); $('.mobileOnlyPanel').height(newControlHeight); }
function setAdaptiveView() { if (typeof noViewport == 'undefined') { // Block during animation -- end of animation will call resizeContent once completed with isAnimating equal to false
if (!isViewOverridden() && !isAnimating) $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('setAdaptiveViewForSize', { 'width': $('#mainPanel').width(), 'height': $('#mainPanel').height() }); //if (!isViewOverridden()) $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('setAdaptiveViewForSize', { 'width': $('#mainPanel').width(), 'height': $('#mainPanel').height() });
$axure.player.refreshViewPort(); if ($axure.player.updateAdaptiveViewHeader != null) $axure.player.updateAdaptiveViewHeader(); } }
$axure.player.resizeContent = function (noViewport) { var isMobile = isMobileMode();
if (wasMobile && !isMobile) { $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').show(); $('#outerContainer').prepend($('.leftPanel')); $('#outerContainer').append($('.rightPanel'));
$('#mHideSidebar').hide(); $('#mobileBrowserControlFrame').hide(); $('#nativeAppControlFrame').hide();
if ($('#topPanel').is(':visible')) { $('#maximizePanelContainer').hide(); $axure.player.restorePlugins(); } else { $('.leftPanel').hide(); $('.rightPanel').hide(); if (!MOBILE_DEVICE) $('#maximizePanelContainer').show(); }
$('.leftPanel').css({ 'top': '', 'left': '' }); $('.rightPanel').css({ 'top': '', 'left': '' });
} else if (!wasMobile && isMobile) { $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').hide(); $axure.player.closePopup();
$('#lsplitbar').hide(); $('#rsplitbar').hide();
$('.leftPanel').show(); $('.rightPanel').show();
$axure.player.updatePlugins(); $('#mHideSidebar').append($('.leftPanel')); $('#mHideSidebar').append($('.rightPanel')); if (MOBILE_DEVICE) $('#maximizePanelContainer').hide();
$axure.messageCenter.postMessage('collapseFrameOnLoad'); }
var newHeight = 0; var newWidth = 0; if (iphoneX && $axure.utils.isShareApp()) { // Hack for Iphone X
newHeight = $(window).height() - ((!isMobile && $('#topPanel').is(':visible')) ? $('#topPanel').height() : 0); newWidth = $(window).width(); // This does not need to make sense, since it is Iphone X
var notchAndHomeOffsetPortrait = iphoneXFirstPass ? 35 : 5; var notchOffsetLandscape = iphoneXFirstPass ? 45 : 10; var homeButtonOffsetLandscape = iphoneXFirstPass ? 21 : 10; if (newHeight > newWidth) { newHeight = newHeight + notchAndHomeOffsetPortrait; } else { newWidth = newWidth + notchOffsetLandscape * 2; newHeight = newHeight + homeButtonOffsetLandscape; } } else { // innerHeight includes padding for window -- needed in iOS 11 to have prototype stretch to bottom of screen (could put in -- if (iOS) -- block if needed)
//var newHeight = $(window).height() - ((!isMobile && $('#topPanel').is(':visible'))? $('#topPanel').height() : 0);
newHeight = window.innerHeight - ((!isMobile && $('#topPanel').is(':visible')) ? $('#topPanel').height() : 0); newWidth = $(window).width(); }
$('#outerContainer').height(newHeight).width(newWidth); $('#mainPanel').height(newHeight); $('#clippingBounds').height(newHeight);
if (isMobile) { $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').height(newHeight); $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').width(newWidth); var newControlHeight = newHeight - (!MOBILE_DEVICE ? 112 : !$axure.utils.isShareApp() ? 140 : IOS ? 157 : 138); // Screen resize is only way through browser to catch mobile device keyboard expand and collapse
if ($('#mHideSidebar').is(':visible') && !$('#mobileControlFrameContainer').is(':visible')) { $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').delay(150).show(); } else if (isMobileTextEntry) { newControlHeight = newControlHeight + (!$axure.utils.isShareApp() ? 61 : IOS ? 72 : 60); $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').hide(); }
if(!$('.leftPanel').hasClass('popup')) { $('.leftPanel').height(newControlHeight); } $('.rightPanel').height(newControlHeight); $('.mobileOnlyPanel').height(newControlHeight); } else { if (!$('.leftPanel').hasClass('popup')) { $('.leftPanel').css('height',''); } $('.rightPanel').css('height', ''); if ($('.rightPanel').is(':visible')) { var lastRightPanelWidthDefaultSub = ($(window).width() - lastRightPanelWidthDefault || 0); var rightPanelWidth = ($('.rightPanel').width() || 0); var leftPanelPanelWidthSub = ($(window).width() - $('.leftPanel').width()) || 0;
var newWidth = Math.min(lastRightPanelWidthDefaultSub, rightPanelWidth, leftPanelPanelWidthSub); lastRightPanelWidth = Math.max(lastRightPanelWidthDefault, newWidth); $('.rightPanel').width(lastRightPanelWidth ? lastRightPanelWidth : lastRightPanelWidthDefault); $('#rsplitbar').css('left', $(window).width() - $('.rightPanel').width()); } if ($('.leftPanel').is(':visible')) { var lastLeftPanelWidthSub = ($(window).width() - lastLeftPanelWidthDefault || 0); var leftPanelWidth = ($('.leftPanel').width() || 0); var rightPanelWidthSub = ($(window).width() - $('.rightPanel').width()) || 0;
var newWidth = Math.min(lastLeftPanelWidthSub, leftPanelWidth, rightPanelWidthSub);
lastLeftPanelWidth = Math.max(lastLeftPanelWidthDefault, newWidth); $('.leftPanel').width(lastLeftPanelWidth ? lastLeftPanelWidth : lastLeftPanelWidthDefault); $('#lsplitbar').css('left', $('.leftPanel').width() - 4); } }
if (isMobile) { var newControlWidth = newWidth - 80; $('.leftPanel').css({ 'width': newControlWidth + 'px' }); $('.rightPanel').css({ 'width': newControlWidth + 'px' }); $('.mobileOnlyPanel').css({ 'width': newControlWidth + 'px' }); adjustM('left'); }
updateClippingBoundsWidth(); repositionClippingBoundsScroll(); setAdaptiveView();
wasMobile = isMobile; }
function contentDocument_onload() { (function setRepositionWhenReady() { var $iframe = $('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0]; if ($($iframe.contentWindow.document.body).length === 0 || $iframe.contentWindow.document.URL === "about:blank") { setTimeout(setRepositionWhenReady, 50); } else { var $iframe = $($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document); $iframe.scroll(function () { repositionClippingBoundsScroll(); }); } })(); }
// This is the full width and height of the prototype (beyond the window width and height)
var determineIframeDimensions = function () { var $iframe = $($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow);
return { width: $iframe.width(), height: $iframe.height() }; };
// Position of this (upper left hand corner) should match the existingPinPanel position
var determineIframePosition = function () { var dimensions = determineIframeDimensions(); var $iframe = $($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow);
var $body = $($iframe[0].document.body); var bodyWidth = $body.offset().left !== 0 ? $body.width() : dimensions.width;
if (FIREFOX) { var left = $body[0].getBoundingClientRect().left; bodyWidth = left !== 0 ? $body.width() : dimensions.width; }
return { top: 0,// Math.max(0, (dimensions.height - $($iframe[0].document.body).height()) / 2),
left: Math.max(0, (dimensions.width - bodyWidth) / 2) }; };
// Return iframe scroll top and scroll left
var determineIframeScroll = function () { var $iframe = $($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow);
return { scrollTop: $iframe.scrollTop(), scrollLeft: $iframe.scrollLeft() }; };
function calculateClippingBoundsWidth(panelSize, isLeftPanel) { var $leftPanel = $('.leftPanel:visible'); var leftPanelOffset = (!isMobileMode() && $leftPanel.length > 0 && !$leftPanel.hasClass('popup')) ? $leftPanel.width() : 0;
var $rightPanel = $('.rightPanel:visible'); var rightPanelOffset = (!isMobileMode() && $rightPanel.length > 0) ? $rightPanel.width() : 0;
// Replace current panel size with panel size after animation for expand or collapse completes
if (typeof panelSize !== 'undefined') { if (isLeftPanel) leftPanelOffset = panelSize; else rightPanelOffset = panelSize; }
return $(window).width() - rightPanelOffset - leftPanelOffset; }
var updateClippingBoundsWidth = $axure.player.updateClippingBoundsWidth = function () { if ($('.leftPanel').is(':visible')) $('#clippingBounds').css('left', $('.leftPanel').width()); else $('#clippingBounds').css('left', '0px'); $('#clippingBounds').width(calculateClippingBoundsWidth()); }
var contentLeftOfOriginOffset = 0; function calculateClippingBoundsScrollPosition() { // Adjust for mainPanelContainer scaling (scale should be "none" for scaleVal == 0 or scaleVal == 1)
var $iframe = $($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow); var selectedScale = $('.vpScaleOption').find('.selectedRadioButton'); var scaleVal = $(selectedScale).parent().attr('val');
var dimStr = $('.currentAdaptiveView').attr('data-dim'); var dim = dimStr ? dimStr.split('x') : { w: '0', h: '0' }; var isDevice = dim[1] != '0' ? true : false; // This line is necessary for right handling DEFAULT SCALE
// Because default scale relates to scale-to-fit item for device projects
if (scaleVal == '0' && isDevice) scaleVal = 2;
var scale = $('#mainPanelContainer').css('transform');; scale = (scale == "none") ? 1 : Number(scale.substring(scale.indexOf('(') + 1, scale.indexOf(',')));
// Iframe and Main Panel Positioning
var iframeScroll = determineIframeScroll(); var iframePos = determineIframePosition(); var viewablePanelLeftMargin = parseInt($('#mainPanelContainer').css('margin-left')); var viewablePanelTop = parseInt($('#mainPanelContainer').css('top')); if (isNaN(viewablePanelTop)) viewablePanelTop = 0; if (scaleVal == 2) { // Scale to Fit (account for main panel container scale) -- needed for device mode in Scale to Fit
viewablePanelLeftMargin = ($('#mainPanel').width() - ($('#mainPanelContainer').width() * scale)) / 2 viewablePanelTop = ($('#mainPanel').height() - ($('#mainPanelContainer').height() * scale)) / 2 }
// left and top positioning
var leftPos = viewablePanelLeftMargin + (iframePos.left - iframeScroll.scrollLeft) * scale; var topPos = viewablePanelTop - iframeScroll.scrollTop * scale;
// Special cases for Centered Page
var isCentered = $($iframe[0].document.body).css('position') == 'relative'; if (isCentered && scaleVal == 1) leftPos = 0; else if (isCentered && scaleVal == 2) leftPos = $('#mainPanelContainer').width() * scale / 2.0 - contentLeftOfOriginOffset;
// Include clipFrameScroll offset in mainPanelContainer
topPos += (parseFloat($('#clipFrameScroll').css("top")) || 0) * scale;
return { left: leftPos, top: topPos } }
function repositionClippingBoundsScroll() { if (!$axure.player.settings.isAxshare) return;
(function repositionWhenReady() { if ($($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document.body).length === 0) { setTimeout(repositionWhenReady, 50); } else { var position = calculateClippingBoundsScrollPosition();
// Adding mainPanel scroll here, since it does not work well with calculating animation left position
position.left = position.left - $('#mainPanel').scrollLeft() - $('#clipFrameScroll').scrollLeft(); position.top = position.top - $('#mainPanel').scrollTop() - $('#clipFrameScroll').scrollTop();
$('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').css('left', position.left + 'px'); $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').css('top', position.top + 'px'); } })(); }
function calculateScrollLeftWithOffset(offset, isLeftPanel) { if (!$axure.player.settings.isAxshare) return; if ($($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document.body).length === 0) return; var scaleVal = $('.vpScaleOption').find('.selectedRadioButton').parent().attr('val'); if (scaleVal == 2) return;
var $iframe = $($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow); var $body = $($iframe[0].document.body);
var dimStr = $('.currentAdaptiveView').attr('data-dim'); var hasFrame = (!dimStr ? false : dimStr.split('x')[1] != '0') && !$axure.player.noFrame; var isCentered = $body.css('position') == 'relative'; //body position is always static while page is still loading (thus false, if called on intial load)
var isCollapsing = offset > 0; //offset is positive when collapsing since we are gaining offset more space for content viewing
// Base case left positioning
var leftPos = calculateClippingBoundsScrollPosition().left;
// If maintaining view options requires a left adjustment not equivalent to panel size (which has already being added in leftPos above)
var viewAdjustment = 0;
// Mobile Frame adjustment
if (hasFrame) { var viewablePanelLeftMargin = parseInt($('#mainPanelContainer').css('margin-left')); var viewablePanelRightMargin = parseInt($('#mainPanelContainer').css('margin-right'));
// Cases
// 0) Adaptive view frame doesn't fit in viewable bounds (viewablePanelLeftMargin is zero) -- use entire offset of panel (no adjustment needed)
// 1) Adaptive view frame fits in bounds -- then half of incoming panel will be split left and half right (offset / 2)
// 2) and 3) View Frame either fits in bounds before animation and no longer will after, or vice versa. Mix of previous two cases
if (isCollapsing) { if (viewablePanelLeftMargin != 0) { viewAdjustment = offset / 2; } else if (-viewablePanelRightMargin < offset) { viewAdjustment = ((offset + viewablePanelRightMargin) / 2); } } else if (viewablePanelLeftMargin != 0) { viewAdjustment = Math.max(offset / 2, -viewablePanelLeftMargin) } }
// Centered Page adjustment
if (isCentered) { // Width of content not able to fit inside current viewable frame
var clippedContentWidth = $body.width() - calculateClippingBoundsWidth(Math.abs(offset), isLeftPanel);
// Cases
// 0) Content never fits in bounds -- then entire offset of panel will move content left value (no adjustment needed as already handled)
// 1) Content fits in bounds -- then half of incoming panel offset will be split left and half right (offset / 2)
// 2) and 3) Content either fits in bounds before animation and no longer will after, or vice versa. Mix of previous two cases
if (clippedContentWidth <= 0) { viewAdjustment = offset / 2; } else if (isCollapsing && clippedContentWidth < offset) { viewAdjustment = (offset - clippedContentWidth) / 2; } else if (!isCollapsing && clippedContentWidth < -offset) { viewAdjustment = (clippedContentWidth + offset) / 2; } }
return leftPos + viewAdjustment; }
// Set to true when left panel or right panel are being expanded/collapsed
// returns to false when lsplitbar (switched to clippingBounds) finishes animation (thus panels will be fully expanded or retracted at this point)
var isAnimating = $axure.player.isAnimating = false;
$axure.player.collapseToBar = function (context, hostId) { lastLeftPanelWidth = $('.leftPanel').width(); lastRightPanelWidth = $('.rightPanel').width(); if (context === 'project' || context === 'all') {
if(!isMobileMode()) { isAnimating = true; var newWidth = lastLeftPanelWidth != 0 ? lastLeftPanelWidth : lastLeftPanelWidthDefault; var clippingWidth = calculateClippingBoundsWidth(0, true); var newLeft = calculateScrollLeftWithOffset(newWidth, true);
$('.leftPanel').animate({ 'margin-left': -newWidth + 'px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function() { $('.leftPanel').width(0).hide().css({ 'margin-left': '' }); } }); $('#lsplitbar').animate({ left: '-4px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function() { $('#lsplitbar').hide(); } });
$('#clippingBounds').animate({ left: '', width: clippingWidth + 'px' }, { duration: 200 }); $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').animate({ left: newLeft + 'px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { isAnimating = false; $axure.player.resizeContent(); $axure.player.pluginVisibleChanged(hostId, false); }}); } else { $('.leftPanel').width(0); $('#lsplitbar').hide(); } } if (context === 'inspect' || context === 'all') { if (!isMobileMode()) { isAnimating = true; var newWidth = lastRightPanelWidth != 0 ? lastRightPanelWidth : lastRightPanelWidthDefault; var clippingWidth = calculateClippingBoundsWidth(0, false); var newLeft = calculateScrollLeftWithOffset(newWidth, false);
$('.rightPanel').animate({ 'margin-right': -newWidth + 'px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { $('.rightPanel').width(0).hide().css({ 'margin-right': '' }); } }); $('#rsplitbar').animate({ left: $(window).width() + 'px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { $('#rsplitbar').hide(); } });
$('#clippingBounds').animate({ width: clippingWidth + 'px' }, { duration: 200 }); $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').animate({ left: newLeft + 'px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { isAnimating = false; $axure.player.resizeContent(); $axure.player.pluginVisibleChanged(hostId, false); }}); } else { $('.rightPanel').width(0); $('#rsplitbar').hide(); } }
$(window).resize(); toolBarOnly = true; }
$axure.player.expandFromBar = function (hostId, context, isFinalPluginToRestore) {
if (context === 'project') { if ($('#lsplitbar').is(':visible')) return; $('.leftPanel').removeClass('popup'); if(!isMobileMode()) { isAnimating = true; var newWidth = (lastLeftPanelWidth ? lastLeftPanelWidth : lastLeftPanelWidthDefault); var clippingWidth = calculateClippingBoundsWidth(newWidth, true); var newLeft = calculateScrollLeftWithOffset(-newWidth, true);
$('.leftPanel').width(newWidth); $('.leftPanel').css('margin-left', -newWidth + 'px').show(); $('.leftPanel').animate({ 'margin-left': '0px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { $('.leftPanel').css({ 'margin-left': '' }); } });
$('#lsplitbar').css('left', '-4px'); $('#lsplitbar').show(); $('#lsplitbar').animate({ left: newWidth - 4 + 'px' }, { duration: 200 });
$('#clippingBounds').animate({ left: newWidth + 'px', width: clippingWidth + 'px' }, { duration: 200 }); $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').animate({ left: newLeft + 'px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { isAnimating = false; $axure.player.resizeContent(); if (isFinalPluginToRestore) $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').show(); $axure.player.pluginVisibleChanged(hostId, true); }}); } } else { if ($('#rsplitbar').is(':visible')) { // update width of rightPanel plugin
var newWidth = lastRightPanelWidth ? lastRightPanelWidth : lastRightPanelWidthDefault; $('#' + hostId).width(newWidth); $('#' + hostId).show(); $axure.player.pluginVisibleChanged(hostId, true); return; } if (!isMobileMode()) { isAnimating = true; var newWidth = lastRightPanelWidth ? lastRightPanelWidth : lastRightPanelWidthDefault; var clippingWidth = calculateClippingBoundsWidth(newWidth, false); var newLeft = calculateScrollLeftWithOffset(-newWidth, false);
$('.rightPanel').width(newWidth); $('.rightPanel').css('margin-right', -newWidth + 'px'); $('#' + hostId).show(); $('.rightPanel').animate({ 'margin-right': '0px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { $('.rightPanel').css({ 'margin-right': '' }); } });
$('#rsplitbar').css('left', $(window).width()); $('#rsplitbar').show(); $('#rsplitbar').animate({ left: $(window).width() - $('.rightPanel').width() + 'px' }, { duration: 200 });
$('#clippingBounds').animate({ width: clippingWidth + 'px' }, { duration: 200 }); $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').animate({ left: newLeft + 'px' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { isAnimating = false; $axure.player.resizeContent(); if (isFinalPluginToRestore) $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').show(); $axure.player.pluginVisibleChanged(hostId, true); }}); } } $(window).resize(); toolBarOnly = false;
if (isMobileMode()) { $('#mHideSidebar').show(); $('#nativeAppControlFrame').show(); } }
var suspendRefreshViewPort = $axure.player.suspendRefreshViewPort = false; $axure.player.refreshViewPort = function () { if (suspendRefreshViewPort) return;
var dimStr = $('.currentAdaptiveView').attr('data-dim'); var dim = dimStr ? dimStr.split('x') : { w: '0', h: '0' }; var w = dim[0] != '0' ? dim[0] : ''; var h = dim[1] != '0' ? dim[1] : '';
var scaleVal = $('.vpScaleOption').find('.selectedRadioButton').parent().attr('val'); var selectedScaleValue = scaleVal; $axure.player.noFrame = false; if (h && scaleVal == 1) $axure.player.noFrame = true;
$('#mainPanelContainer').attr({ "data-scale-n": scaleVal, "data-page-dimensions-type": h ? "device" : w ? "web" : "auto", "data-scale-shift-x": null, "data-scale-shift-y": null, });
var clipToView = h && !$axure.player.noFrame; var isDevice = h;
var mainPanelWidth = $('#mainPanel').width(); var mainPanelHeight = $('#mainPanel').height(); if (!w || !clipToView) w = mainPanelWidth; if (!h || !clipToView) h = mainPanelHeight; if (MOBILE_DEVICE && h > mainPanelHeight) h = mainPanelHeight; if (MOBILE_DEVICE && w > mainPanelWidth) w = mainPanelWidth; if (clipToView) { if (!MOBILE_DEVICE && scaleVal == '0') scaleVal = 2;
w = Number(w); h = Number(h);
$('#mainFrame').width(w); $('#clipFrameScroll').width(w); $('#mainFrame').height(h); $('#clipFrameScroll').height(h);
var topPadding = MOBILE_DEVICE ? 0 : 10; var leftPadding = 0; var rightPadding = 0; var bottomPadding = MOBILE_DEVICE ? 0 : 10;
w = w + leftPadding + rightPadding; h = h + topPadding + bottomPadding;
var x = (mainPanelWidth - w) / 2; var y = (mainPanelHeight - h) / 2 - 1;
if (scaleVal != 2) { x = Math.max(0, x); y = Math.max(0, y); } $('#mainPanelContainer').attr({ "data-scale-shift-x": x, "data-scale-shift-y": y, });
$('#mainPanelContainer').css({ 'margin': 'auto', 'top': y + 'px', 'left': (x < 0 ? x + 'px' : 'auto') });
$('#clipFrameScroll').css({ 'left': leftPadding + 'px', 'top': topPadding + 'px' });
$('#mainPanelContainer').width(w); $('#mainPanelContainer').height(h); } else { $('#mainFrame').width('100%'); $('#mainFrame').height(h);
$('#clipFrameScroll').width('100%'); $('#clipFrameScroll').height(h); $('#clipFrameScroll').css({ 'left': '', 'top': '' });
$('#mainPanelContainer').width('100%'); $('#mainPanelContainer').height(h); $('#mainPanelContainer').css({ 'left': '', 'margin': '', 'top': '' }); } $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('setDeviceMode', { device: isDevice, width: w, scaleToWidth: (scaleVal == "1") });
$(".vpScaleOption").show(); var prevScaleN = $('#mainPanelContainer').css('transform'); prevScaleN = (prevScaleN == "none") ? 1 : Number(prevScaleN.substring(prevScaleN.indexOf('(') + 1, prevScaleN.indexOf(','))); var newScaleN = 1;
$('#mainPanelContainer').css({ 'transform': '', 'transform-origin': '' });
var $leftPanel = $('.leftPanel:visible'); var leftPanelOffset = (!isMobileMode() && $leftPanel.length > 0) ? $leftPanel.width() : 0; var $rightPanel = $('.rightPanel:visible'); var rightPanelOffset = (!isMobileMode() && $rightPanel.length > 0) ? $rightPanel.width() : 0;
var vpScaleData = { scale: scaleVal, prevScaleN: prevScaleN, viewportHeight: h, viewportWidth: w, panelWidthOffset: leftPanelOffset + rightPanelOffset, clipToView: clipToView }; $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('getScale', vpScaleData); $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('cloud_ScaleValueChanged', { scale: selectedScaleValue, }); if (scaleVal == '0' && clipToView) $('#mainPanel').css('overflow', 'auto'); else $('#mainPanel').css('overflow', ''); }
$axure.player.getProjectName = function getProjectName() { if (typeof PREVIEW_INFO !== 'undefined') { return PREVIEW_INFO.fileName; } else if(typeof $axure.player.settings.projectName !== 'undefined') { return $axure.player.settings.projectName; } else return false; }
function initializeLogo() {
if(typeof PREVIEW_INFO !== 'undefined') { $('#previewNotice').show(); }
//if (typeof PREVIEW_INFO !== 'undefined') {
// $('#interfaceControlFrameLogoCaptionContainer').html(PREVIEW_INFO.fileName);
//} else if (typeof $axure.player.settings.projectName !== 'undefined') {
// $('#interfaceControlFrameLogoCaptionContainer').html($axure.player.settings.projectName);
//} else {
// $('#interfaceControlFrameLogoCaptionContainer').hide();
//if ($axure.document.configuration.logoImagePath) {
// var image = new Image();
// //image.onload = function () {
// // //$('#logoImage').css('max-width', this.width + 'px');
// // $('#interfaceControlFrameContainer').css('margin-left', '-' + $('#logoImage').width() / 2 + 'px');
// // //$axure.player.resizeContent();
// //};
// image.src = $axure.document.configuration.logoImagePath;
// $('#interfaceControlFrameLogoImageContainer').html('<img id="logoImage" src="" />');
// $('#logoImage').attr('src', $axure.document.configuration.logoImagePath);//.on('load', function () { $axure.player.resizeContent(); });
//} else $('#interfaceControlFrameLogoImageContainer').hide();
//if ($axure.document.configuration.logoImageCaption) {
// $('#interfaceControlFrameLogoCaptionContainer').html($axure.document.configuration.logoImageCaption);
//} else $('#interfaceControlFrameLogoCaptionContainer').hide();
//if(!$('#interfaceControlFrameLogoImageContainer').is(':visible') && !$('#interfaceControlFrameLogoCaptionContainer').is(':visible')) {
// $('#interfaceControlFrameLogoContainer').hide();
} function initializePreview() { if (typeof PREVIEW_INFO !== 'undefined') { $('#separatorContainer').addClass('hasLeft'); $('#overflowMadeWith').addClass('preview'); var callback = undefined; $('#publishButton').click(function () { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'publish', data: {}, success: function (response) { if (callback) callback(response); }, error: function (response) { if (callback) callback(response); }, dataType: 'jsonp' }); }); } }
var userAcct = { userId: '', userName: '', userEmail: '', userProfileImg: '', isUsingAxureAcct: false, }
var authCookieValue = null; var userCookieValue = null; var isSubInstance = false; //var readOnlyMode = false;
//var readOnlyMessage = '';
// Watermark hints
// NOTE: The trailing characters serve to be a distinguishing element in case the user actually does use text similar to the hint.
var emailHint = "Email "; var passHint = "Password ";
var feedbackServiceUrl = (window.AXSHARE_HOST_SECURE_URL || 'https://share.axure.com') + '/issue'; // Look at creating a new location to have GetShareStatus(FbEnabled replacement) and SafariAuth since they are more general calls that are not solely for feedback now
//var prototypeControlUrl = (window.AXSHARE_HOST_SECURE_URL || 'https://share.axure.com') + '/prototype';
// Checks if the browser is Safari 3.0+
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9847580/how-to-detect-safari-chrome-ie-firefox-and-opera-browser
function isSafari() { // Safari 3.0+ "[object HTMLElementConstructor]"
var liveSafari = /constructor/i.test(window.HTMLElement) || (function (p) { return p.toString() === "[object SafariRemoteNotification]"; })(!window['safari'] || (typeof safari !== 'undefined' && safari.pushNotification)); return liveSafari || SAFARI || (IOS && $axure.utils.isShareApp()); };
function includeTokens(ajaxData, excludeUser) { //If the authCookieValue is set (a password-protected local prototype), then send the
//token as well (because cookies don't always get sent to external domains)
if (authCookieValue) { $.extend(ajaxData, { token: authCookieValue }); } if (!excludeUser && userCookieValue) { $.extend(ajaxData, { utoken: userCookieValue }); } }
function setUserLoggedInStatus(response, safariAuthResponseProfile) { if (!response.success) { userAcct.isUsingAxureAcct = false; } else { if (safariAuthResponseProfile) response = safariAuthResponseProfile; userAcct.userId = response.userId; if (safariAuthResponseProfile) userAcct.userName = response.username == null || response.username.trim() === '' ? response.userEmail : decodeURIComponent(response.username.trim()); else userAcct.userName = response.nickname == null || response.nickname.trim() === '' ? response.userEmail : decodeURIComponent(response.nickname.trim()); userAcct.userEmail = response.userEmail; userAcct.userProfileImg = response.profileImageUrl; userAcct.isUsingAxureAcct = true;
if (response.authToken != null) { $axshare.setAuthCookie(response.authToken); userCookieValue = response.authToken; } }
// If feedback is loaded, update feedback with new account information
if (typeof feedback !== 'undefined') feedback.updateUserAccountInfo(userAcct, authCookieValue, userCookieValue); }
// TODO: for on prem, we need to use an ajax call directly to share instead of accounts
// Verify authentication against axure accounts
$axure.player.axureAuth = function axureAuth(callback) { if (window.$axshare != null) { $axshare.auth(function (response) { if (response.success) { setUserLoggedInStatus(response); } else { if (isSafari()) { var ajaxData = { userId: userAcct.isUsingAxureAcct ? userAcct.userId : "" }; includeTokens(ajaxData);
$.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: feedbackServiceUrl + '/safariAuth', data: ajaxData, success: function (response) { if (!response.success) { setUserLoggedInStatus(response); } else { setUserLoggedInStatus(response, response.data.profile[userAcct.userId]);
if (callback != null) { callback(response); } } }, dataType: 'jsonp' }); } else { setUserLoggedInStatus(response); } }
if (callback != null) { callback(response); }
}); } }
// TODO: for on prem, we need to use an ajax call directly to share instead of accounts
// Log into axure accounts
$axure.player.axureLogin = function axureLogin(email, password, success, failure, saml) { if (window.$axshare != null) { password = password === passHint ? "" : password; $axshare.login(email, password, false, function (response) { if (response.redirecturl !== "" && response.redirecturl != null) { saml(response); return; }
if (response.success && (response.verified || isSubInstance)) { if (isSafari()) setUserLoggedInStatus(response); $axure.player.axureAuth(success); } else { failure(response); } }, window.ON_PREM_LDAP_ENABLED); } else { failure(); } }
function playerLogout() { userAcct.isUsingAxureAcct = false; userAcct.userId = ''; userAcct.userProfileImg = '';
// If feedback is loaded, update feedback with new account information
if (typeof feedback !== 'undefined') feedback.updateUserAccountInfo(userAcct); }
$axure.player.logout = function (feedbackLogout) { var completeLogout = playerLogout; if (feedbackLogout) { completeLogout = function () { feedbackLogout(); playerLogout(); } } if (window.$axshare != null) { $axshare.logout(completeLogout); } else { completeLogout(); } }
/* * TODO: Start of Login/Account Mgmt UI, which will need to be updated (currenly uses feedback9.css often) */ function buildAccountLoginPopup() { return [ '<div class="axClearMsgBubble_Player axureLoginBubble_Player">', ' <div class="axureLoginBubbleContainer_Player">', ' <span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px;">Login into your Axure Cloud account</span>', ' <input type="text" autocapitalize="none" name="email" class="axureEmail" style="margin-top: 7px;"/>', ' <input name="password" autocapitalize="none" class="axurePassword" />', ' <div class="feedbackGreenBtn_Player">LOG IN</div>', ' <div class="errorMessage"></div>', ' <div id="playerSignUpLink" style="text-align: right; margin-top: 5px; font-size: 10px;">', ' <span>No account? <a class="axureSignUpLink" href="', window.AXSHARE_HOST_SECURE_URL, '" target="_blank">Sign Up</a></span>', ' </div>', ' </div>', '</div>' ].join(""); }
// Bind events to axure login speech bubble (watermark, login, errors, click outside)
function bindAxureLoginContainerEvent() { var $container = $("#accountLoginContainer"); $container.find('input[name="email"]').addClass("watermark").val(emailHint).focus(function () { if ($(this).val() === emailHint) { $(this).removeClass("watermark").val(""); } }).blur(function () { if ($(this).val() === "") { $(this).addClass("watermark").val(emailHint); }
$container.find('.errorMessage').text(''); $container.find('.errorMessage').hide(); }).keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { $container.find('.feedbackGreenBtn').click(); } }); $container.find('input[name="password"]').addClass("watermark").val(passHint).focus(function () { if ($(this).val() === passHint) { $(this).removeClass("watermark").val(""); //$(this).removeClass("watermark").val("").attr("type", "password");
// Note: this might be an issue since jquery doesn't like it. Test in IE
$(this)[0].setAttribute('type', 'password'); } }).blur(function () { if ($(this).val() === "") { $(this).val(passHint).addClass("watermark"); //$(this).val(passHint).addClass("watermark").removeAttr("type");
// Note: this might be an issue since jquery doesn't like it. Test in IE
$(this)[0].setAttribute('type', 'text'); }
$container.find('.errorMessage').text(''); $container.find('.errorMessage').hide(); }).keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { $container.find('.feedbackGreenBtn_Player').click(); } });
// Login Submit Event
$container.find('.feedbackGreenBtn_Player').click(function (e) { var email = $container.find('.axureEmail').val(); var password = $container.find('.axurePassword').val();
$axure.player.axureLogin(email, password, function (response) { // Success
// Clear out fields
$container.find('.axureEmail').val(emailHint).addClass("watermark"); $container.find('.axurePassword').val(passHint).addClass("watermark"); $container.find('.axurePassword')[0].setAttribute('type', 'text');
closePopup(); }, function (response) { // Failure
$container.find('.errorMessage').text(response != null && response.message ? response.message : "There was an error connecting to the server, please try again later."); $container.find('.errorMessage').show(); }, function (response) { // SAML User
$container.find('.errorMessage').empty(); $container.find('.errorMessage').append("Please <a class='refreshLink' style='text-decoration: underline;'>refresh</a> this page after logging in via your identity provider."); $container.find('.errorMessage').show();
window.open(response.redirecturl, '_blank');
$container.find('.errorMessage').find('.refreshLink').click(function () { location.reload(true); }); }); }); };
function initializeSignIn() { if (typeof PREVIEW_INFO === 'undefined' && $axure.player.settings.isAxshare) { (function finishInit() { if (window.$axshare == null || $axshare.auth == null || $axshare.login == null) { setTimeout(finishInit, 50); } else { // Call to set readOnlyMode, readOnlyMessage, and isSubinstance (readOnlyMode/Message currently only used for feedback9)
$.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: feedbackServiceUrl + '/GetShareStatus', data: {}, success: function (response) { //readOnlyMode = response.readOnlyMode;
//readOnlyMessage = response.readOnlyMessage;
isSubInstance = response.isSubInstance; if (isSubInstance) $('#accountLoginContainer').find("#playerSignUpLink").hide();
// For now, calling methods to set these values in feedback on start (could later make a general method to retrieve these values from player)
if (typeof feedback !== 'undefined') { feedback.setReadOnlyModeAndMessage(response.readOnlyMode, response.readOnlyMessage); feedback.setIsSubInstance(isSubInstance); } }, dataType: 'jsonp' });
// Login container
$("#accountLoginContainer").append(buildAccountLoginPopup()); bindAxureLoginContainerEvent();
// Attempt to auth and acquire account information, then update top panel
$axure.player.axureAuth(); } })(); } }
function overflowIsHidden(node) { var style = getComputedStyle(node); return style.overflow === 'hidden' || style.overflowX === 'hidden' || style.overflowY === 'hidden'; }
function findNearestScrollableParent(firstNode) { var node = firstNode; var scrollable = null; while (!scrollable && node) { if (node.scrollWidth > node.clientWidth || node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight) { if (!overflowIsHidden(node) || $(node).css('-webkit-overflow-scrolling') === 'touch') { scrollable = node; } } node = node.parentNode; } return scrollable; }
function getScrollOwner(target) { var owner = findNearestScrollableParent(target); if (!owner || owner === document.documentElement || owner === document.body || $(owner).parents('#topPanel').length || owner == document.getElementById('forwardSlash')) { return null; }
return owner; }
function removeElasticScrollFromIframe() { var $iframe = $($('#mainPanel').find('iframe')[0].contentWindow); $iframe[0].document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', function (event) { if (!getScrollOwner(event.target)) { event.preventDefault(); } }, { passive: false }); }
$(document).ready(function () { (function finishPlayerInit() { if ($axure.player.settings.isAxshare) { $axure.page.bind('load.start', contentDocument_onload); if ($axure.player.settings.loadFeedbackPlugin) { $axure.utils.loadJS('/Scripts/plugins/feedback/feedback9.js');
/******* DEBUG: Allows for debugging/viewing feedback9.js in browser inspect mode ******/ //var hdr = document.createElement('script');
//hdr.type = "text/javascript"
//hdr.src = '/Scripts/plugins/feedback/feedback9.js';
} }
initializeEvents(); initializeMainFrame();
if ($axure.player.settings.startCollapsed) { collapse(); $('.leftPanel').width(0);
var maxPanelWidth = $('#maximizePanel').width(); setTimeout(function() { $('#maximizePanel').animate({ left:'-' + maxPanelWidth + 'px' }, 300); }, 2000); }
if (MOBILE_DEVICE) { $('body').removeClass('hashover');
if (SAFARI) { // Stop pinch zoom (stopping all gestures for now)
// Gesturestart is only supported in Safari
document.addEventListener("gesturestart", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); }
if (IOS) { // Attempt at removing elastic scroll while in mobile menu
var touching = false; var pageYStart = 0; var pageYOffset = 0; document.body.addEventListener('touchend', function (event) { if (getScrollOwner(event.target)) { touching = false; } }, { passive: false });
document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', function (event) { var owner = getScrollOwner(event.target) if (!owner) { event.preventDefault(); } else { if ($(owner).scrollTop() == 0) { if (touching) { if (event.pageY >= pageYStart) { event.preventDefault(); } } } if ($(owner).scrollTop() + $(owner).height() == owner.scrollHeight) { if (touching) { if (event.pageY <= pageYStart) { event.preventDefault(); } } } } }, { passive: false });
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) { var owner = getScrollOwner(event.target); if (owner) { if ($(owner).scrollTop() == 0) { touching = true; pageYStart = event.pageY; pageYOffset = event.pageY; } if ($(owner).scrollTop() + $(owner).height() == owner.scrollHeight) { touching = true; pageYStart = event.pageY; pageYOffset = event.pageY; } } }, { passive: false });
$('html').css('-webkit-tap-highlight-color', 'transparent');
// Stop iOS from automatically scaling parts of the mobile player
// Could stop automatic scaling on Ipads as well that we actually want, but for now, seems fine
$('body').css('-webkit-text-size-adjust', '100%');
// Prepare for Iphone X hacks
// Link for dimensions: https://kapeli.com/cheat_sheets/iOS_Design.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/index
var ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; // Regular iphoneX
if (IOS && window.screen.width * ratio == 1125 && window.screen.height * ratio === 2436) { iphoneX = true; } // Iphone XS Max and Iphone XR
if (IOS && window.screen.width == 414 && window.screen.height === 896) { iphoneX = true; }
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function () { var viewport = document.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]"); //so iOS doesn't zoom when switching back to portrait
if (iphoneX) { viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover'); viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover'); } else { viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0'); viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'); } $axure.player.resizeContent(); }, false);
$axure.page.bind('load.start', function () { $axure.player.resizeContent(); });
// Always append both mobile browser menu and native menu, as app might not have returned value signifying native at this point
appendNativePrototypeControlFrame(); appendMobileBrowserControlFrame(); appendProjectOptions(); }
initializeLogo(); initializePreview();
// Has timeout to keep waiting to build sign in controls while axAccount is still loading
initializeSignIn(); })(); });
function appendProjectOptions() { var toAppend = ''; toAppend += '<div id="projectOptionsHost" class="mobileOnlyPanel mobileMode">'; toAppend += ' <div class="pluginNameHeader">PROJECT OPTIONS</div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="projectOptionsScrollContainer">'; toAppend += ' <div class="mobileSubHeader">Hotspots</div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="projectOptionsShowHotspots" class="mobileText projectOptionsHotspotsRow" style="border-bottom: solid 1px #c7c7c7">'; toAppend += ' <div id="projectOptionsHotspotsCheckbox"></div>'; toAppend += ' Show Hotspots</div> '; toAppend += ' <div class="mobileSubHeader" style="margin-top: 16px">Scale</div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="projectOptionsScaleContainer" class="mobileText"></div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="projectOptionsAdaptiveViewsHeader" class="mobileSubHeader" style="margin-top: 16px">Adaptive Views</div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="projectOptionsAdaptiveViewsContainer" class="mobileText"></div>' toAppend += ' </div>' toAppend += '</div>';
$('#mHideSidebar').prepend(toAppend); $(('#projectOptionsHost')).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
if (isMobileMode()) $axure.player.resizeContent(); }
function appendMobileBrowserControlFrame() { var toAppend = ""; toAppend += '<div id="mobileBrowserControlFrame" class="mobilePrototypeControlFrame">'; toAppend += ' <div id="return" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:-15px; float:left">'; toAppend += ' <div id="closeBackground" class="circleBackground">'; toAppend += ' <div id="forwardSlash" class="closeIconSlash"><div id="backwardSlash" class="closeIconSlash"></div></div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += '</div>';
// iOS will do incorrect click position / content bounds calculation which results in scroll getting reset to (0, 0)
if (IOS) $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').on($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }
function appendNativePrototypeControlFrame() { var toAppend = ""; toAppend += '<div id="nativeAppControlFrame" class="mobilePrototypeControlFrame">'; toAppend += ' <ul id="nativeMenuBlueBackground">'; toAppend += ' <li style="width:30%; float:left;">'; toAppend += ' <div id="exit" class="nativePrototypeButton" >'; toAppend += ' <div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="exitIcon"></div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="exitText" class="nativeMenuText">Exit</div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' </li>'; toAppend += ' <li id="return" style="width:40%; position:relative; top:-15px; float:left">'; toAppend += ' <div id="returnBackground" class="circleBackground">'; toAppend += ' <div id="returnIcon"></div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="returnText" class="nativeMenuText">Return to Prototype</div>'; toAppend += ' </li>'; toAppend += ' <li style="width:30%; float:right;">'; toAppend += ' <div id="refresh" class="nativePrototypeButton" >'; toAppend += ' <div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="refreshIcon"></div>'; toAppend += ' <div id="refreshText" class="nativeMenuText">Refresh</div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' </div>'; toAppend += ' </li>'; toAppend += ' </ul>'; toAppend += '</div>';
var barHeight = IOS ? (iphoneX ? '82px' : '72px') : '60px'; var returnIconDisplacement = IOS ? '-15px': '-20px'; var iconTopMargin = IOS ? '14px': '7px'; var returnTextTopMargin = IOS ? '9px': '7px';
document.getElementById('nativeAppControlFrame').style.height = barHeight; document.getElementById('nativeMenuBlueBackground').style.height = barHeight; document.getElementById('return').style.top = returnIconDisplacement; document.getElementById('returnText').style.marginTop = returnTextTopMargin; document.getElementById('refreshIcon').style.marginTop = iconTopMargin; document.getElementById('exitIcon').style.marginTop = iconTopMargin; addAppButtonClickListener("exit"); addAppButtonClickListener("refresh");
$('#returnBackground').click(collapse); $('#nativeAppControlFrame').on('touchmove', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false); }
function addAppButtonClickListener(id) { var func = function () { IOS ? window.webkit.messageHandlers.prototypeMenuButtonClick.postMessage(id) : ShareApp.PrototypeMenuButtonClick(id); }; document.getElementById(id).addEventListener("click", func, false); }
function toggleSitemap() { $axure.player.showPlugin(1); }
function closePopup() { var $container = $('.popup'); var isLeftPanel = $container.hasClass('leftPanel'); $container.removeClass('popup'); $('#overflowMenuButton').removeClass('selected'); $('#interfaceAdaptiveViewsContainer').removeClass('selected'); $container.hide();
$('div.splitterMask').unbind($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, closePopup); $('div.splitterMask').remove(); }
$axure.player.closePopup = closePopup;
function showPopup($container) { if ($('#browserOutOfDateNotification').is(":visible")) return; $container.addClass('popup'); $container.show();
$('<div class="splitterMask"></div>').insertAfter($container); $('div.splitterMask').bind($axure.eventNames.mouseDownName, closePopup); }
$axure.player.showPopup = showPopup;
function toggleAdaptiveViewsPopup() { if (($('#interfaceAdaptiveViewsListContainer').hasClass('popup'))) { closePopup(); } else { $('#interfaceAdaptiveViewsContainer').addClass('selected'); showPopup($('#interfaceAdaptiveViewsListContainer')); } }
function toggleOverflowMenuPopup() { if (($('#overflowMenuContainer').hasClass('popup'))) { closePopup(); } else { $('#overflowMenuButton').addClass('selected'); showPopup($('#overflowMenuContainer')); } }
var startSplitX; var startSplitWidth; function startLeftSplit() { startSplitX = window.event.pageX; startSplitWidth = lastLeftPanelWidth; var $left = $('#lsplitbar'); $left.addClass('active'); $('<div class="splitterMask"></div>').insertAfter($left); $(document).bind($axure.eventNames.mouseMoveName, doLeftSplitMove).bind($axure.eventNames.mouseUpName, endLeftSplitMove); }
function startRightSplit() { startSplitX = window.event.pageX; startSplitWidth = lastRightPanelWidth; var $left = $('#rsplitbar'); $left.addClass('active'); $('<div class="splitterMask"></div>').insertAfter($left); $(document).bind($axure.eventNames.mouseMoveName, doRightSplitMove).bind($axure.eventNames.mouseUpName, endRightSplitMove); }
function doLeftSplitMove() { var currentX = window.event.pageX; var newWidth = Math.min(startSplitWidth + currentX - startSplitX, $(window).width() - $('.rightPanel').width(), $(window).width() - lastRightPanelWidthDefault); lastLeftPanelWidth = Math.max(lastLeftPanelWidthDefault, newWidth); $('.leftPanel').width(lastLeftPanelWidth ? lastLeftPanelWidth : lastLeftPanelWidthDefault); $('#lsplitbar').css('left', $('.leftPanel').width() - 4); $axure.player.updateClippingBoundsWidth(); $axure.player.refreshViewPort(); }
function doRightSplitMove() { var currentX = window.event.pageX; var newWidth = Math.min(startSplitWidth - currentX + startSplitX, $(window).width() - $('.leftPanel').width(), $(window).width() - lastLeftPanelWidthDefault); lastRightPanelWidth = Math.max(lastRightPanelWidthDefault, newWidth); $('.rightPanel').width(lastRightPanelWidth ? lastRightPanelWidth : lastRightPanelWidthDefault); $('#rsplitbar').css('left', $(window).width() - $('.rightPanel').width()); $axure.player.updateClippingBoundsWidth(); $axure.player.refreshViewPort(); }
function endLeftSplitMove() { $('div.splitterMask').remove(); var $left = $('#lsplitbar'); $left.removeClass('active'); $(document).unbind($axure.eventNames.mouseMoveName, doLeftSplitMove).unbind($axure.eventNames.mouseUpName, endLeftSplitMove); setAdaptiveView() }
function endRightSplitMove() { $('div.splitterMask').remove(); var $left = $('#rsplitbar'); $left.removeClass('active'); $(document).unbind($axure.eventNames.mouseMoveName, doRightSplitMove).unbind($axure.eventNames.mouseUpName, endRightSplitMove); setAdaptiveView() }
var startMX; var startMLeft; var startMElement; var maxMLeft; var getMaxMLeft = function () { if ($('.rightPanel.mobileMode').length == 0) return $('.leftPanel.mobileMode').last().position().left + 100; return $('.rightPanel.mobileMode').last().position().left + 100; }
function startM(e) { // Android touch event does not define pageX directly
if(window.event.pageX) { startMX = window.event.pageX; } else { startMX = window.event.touches[0].pageX; }
startMElement = window.event.target.id; var $m = $('#mHideSidebar'); startMLeft = Number($m.css('left').replace('px', '')); $(document).bind($axure.eventNames.mouseMoveName, doMMove).bind($axure.eventNames.mouseUpName, endMMove);
// Must stop propagation on iOS; otherwise scroll position of content will be reset to (0, 0)
// (likely due to position of click being calculated as out of bounds for outerContainer -- iOS is not adding scroll offset to bounds)
if (IOS) { e.stopPropagation() }; }
function doMMove() { var $m = $('#mHideSidebar'); if(window.event.pageX) { currentX = window.event.pageX; } else { currentX = window.event.touches[0].pageX; }
var deltaX = currentX - startMX; if (Math.abs(deltaX) > 0 && $('.splitterMask').length == 0) { $('<div class="splitterMask"></div>').insertAfter($m); } var newLeft = startMLeft + deltaX; newLeft = Math.min(0, newLeft); newLeft = Math.max(-getMaxMLeft(), newLeft); $m.css('left', newLeft + 'px'); }
function endMMove(e) { $('div.splitterMask').remove(); $(document).unbind($axure.eventNames.mouseMoveName, doMMove).unbind($axure.eventNames.mouseUpName, endMMove); e.stopPropagation();
var $m = $('#mHideSidebar'); if(window.event.pageX) { currentX = window.event.pageX; } else { currentX = window.event.changedTouches[0].pageX; } var deltaX = currentX - startMX; if (deltaX != 0 || startMElement != 'mHideSidebar') { adjustM(currentX < startMX ? 'left' : 'right', true); } }
function adjustM(direction, animate) { var $m = $('#mHideSidebar'); var duration = animate ? 100 : 0; var newLeft = Number($m.css('left').replace('px', '')); if (!$m.is(':visible') || newLeft > -100) { $m.animate({ 'left': '-60px' }, duration); } else if (newLeft < -getMaxMLeft() + 100) { $m.animate({ 'left': (-getMaxMLeft() + 125) + 'px' }, duration); } else if (direction == 'left') { var handled = false; var $panels = $('.rightPanel.mobileMode, .leftPanel.mobileMode'); $panels.each(function () { var panelX = $(this).position().left; if (panelX > -newLeft) { $m.animate({ 'left': (-panelX + 25) + 'px' }, duration); handled = true; return false; } }); if (!handled) { $m.animate({ 'left': (-$panels.last().position().left + 25) + 'px' }, duration); } } else if (direction == 'right') { var handled = false; var $panels = $('.rightPanel.mobileMode, .leftPanel.mobileMode'); $($panels.get().reverse()).each(function () { var panelRight = $(this).position().left + $(this).width(); if (panelRight < -newLeft + $(window).width()) { $m.animate({ 'left': (-$(this).position().left + 25) + 'px' }, duration); handled = true; return false; } }); if (!handled) { $m.animate({ 'left': '-60px' }, duration); } } }
function repositionPinsOnScaleChange(data) { var $pins = $('#existingPinsOverlay').children(); for (var i = 0; i < $pins.length; i++) { // calculate new position of pin
const left = parseFloat($($pins[i]).attr('data-x')); const top = parseFloat($($pins[i]).attr('data-y')); const width = $($pins[i]).width(); const height = $($pins[i]).height();
// Get current scale of mainPanelContainer
// MainPanelContainer scaled without setContentScale message
var scale = $('#mainPanelContainer').css('transform'); scale = (scale == "none") ? 1 : Number(scale.substring(scale.indexOf('(') + 1, scale.indexOf(','))); const scaledLeft = (left * scale) - (width / 2); const scaledTop = (top * scale) - (height / 2);
$($pins[i]).css('left', scaledLeft + 'px'); $($pins[i]).css('top', scaledTop + 'px'); }
// Distance from left of project content to origin (used for pins positioning when on a centered page in Scale to Fit mode)
if (typeof data.contentOriginOffset !== "undefined") contentLeftOfOriginOffset = data.contentOriginOffset; }
function messageCenter_message(message, data) { if (message == 'expandFrame') expand(); else if (message == 'getCollapseFrameOnLoad' && $axure.player.settings.startCollapsed && !MOBILE_DEVICE) $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('collapseFrameOnLoad'); else if (message == 'tripleClick') { if ($axure.player.isMobileMode() || MOBILE_DEVICE) expand(); } else if (message == 'setContentScale') { if (data.clipToView) { var scaleVal = $('.vpScaleOption').find('.selectedRadioButton').parent().attr('val'); if (scaleVal == '2' || (!MOBILE_DEVICE && scaleVal == '0')) { var scaleN = newScaleN = $('#mainPanel').width() / data.viewportWidth; var hScaleN = ($('#mainPanel').height()) / data.viewportHeight; if (hScaleN < scaleN) scaleN = newScaleN = hScaleN; if(scaleVal == '0') scaleN = Math.min(1, scaleN); var scale = 'scale(' + scaleN + ')'; $('#mainPanelContainer').css({ 'transform': scale, 'transform-origin': '' }); } } else { if (data.scaleN != 1) { var scale = 'scale(' + data.scaleN + ')'; var width = 100 / data.scaleN + '%'; var height = Number($('#mainPanelContainer').css('height').replace('px', '')) / data.scaleN + 'px'; $('#mainPanelContainer').css({ 'transform': scale, 'transform-origin': '0px 0px', 'width': width, 'height': height }); //$('#clipFrameScroll').css('height' , height + 'px');
//$('#mainFrame').css('height' , height + 'px');
$('#clipFrameScroll').height(height); $('#mainFrame').height(height); } } repositionPinsOnScaleChange(data); repositionClippingBoundsScroll(); // Fix for edge not redrawing content after scale change
if ($axure.browser.isEdge) { newHeight = window.innerHeight - ((!isMobileMode() && $('#topPanel').is(':visible')) ? $('#topPanel').height() : 0); newWidth = $(window).width(); $('#outerContainer').height(newHeight).width(newWidth); $('#mainPanel').height(newHeight); $('#clippingBounds').height(newHeight); } } }
function loadVariablesFromUrl(removeVarFromUrl) { let originalHashValues = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf('#')) || ''; let variables = {}; const query = (originalHashValues.split(GLOBAL_VAR_NAME)[1] || ''); if(query.length > 0) { $axure.utils.parseGlobalVars(query, function(varName, varValue) { variables[varName] = varValue; }); if(removeVarFromUrl) { originalHashValues = originalHashValues.replace(GLOBAL_VAR_NAME, "").replace(query, ""); replaceHash(originalHashValues); } }
return variables; } function getInitialUrl() { var shortId = getHashStringVar(PAGE_ID_NAME); var foundById = []; if (shortId.length > 0) { getPageUrlsById(shortId, foundById, undefined); if (foundById.length == 1) return foundById[0]; }
var pageName = getHashStringVar(PAGE_URL_NAME); if (pageName.length > 0) return pageName + ".html"; else { if (foundById.length > 0) return foundById[0]; var url = getFirstPageUrl($axure.document.sitemap.rootNodes); return (url ? url : "about:blank"); } }
var getPageUrlsById = $axure.player.getPageUrlsById = function (packageId, foundById, nodes) { if (!nodes) nodes = $axure.document.sitemap.rootNodes; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (node.id == packageId) foundById.push(node.url); var hasChildren = (node.children && node.children.length > 0); if (hasChildren) { getPageUrlsById(packageId, foundById, node.children); } } }
var getPageIdByUrl = $axure.player.getPageIdByUrl = function(url, nodes) { if (!nodes) nodes = $axure.document.sitemap.rootNodes; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (node.url == url) return node.id; else { var hasChildren = (node.children && node.children.length > 0); if (hasChildren) { var id = getPageIdByUrl(url, node.children); if (id) return id; } } } return null; }
function getFirstPageUrl(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (node.url) return node.url; else { var hasChildren = (node.children && node.children.length > 0); if (hasChildren) { var url = getFirstPageUrl(node.children); if (url) return url; } } } return null; }
function closePlayer() { if ($axure.page.location) window.location.href = $axure.page.location; else { var pageFile = getInitialUrl(); var currentLocation = window.location.toString(); window.location.href = currentLocation.substr(0, currentLocation.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + pageFile; } }
function replaceHash(newHash) { var currentLocWithoutHash = window.location.toString().split('#')[0];
//We use replace so that every hash change doesn't get appended to the history stack.
//We use replaceState in browsers that support it, else replace the location
if (typeof window.history.replaceState != 'undefined') { try { //Chrome 45 (Version 45.0.2454.85 m) started throwing an error here when generated locally (this only happens with sitemap open) which broke all interactions.
//try catch breaks the url adjusting nicely when the sitemap is open, but all interactions and forward and back buttons work.
//Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A history state object with URL 'file:///C:/Users/Ian/Documents/Axure/HTML/Untitled/start.html#p=home' cannot be created in a document with origin 'null'.
window.history.replaceState(null, null, currentLocWithoutHash + newHash); } catch (ex) { } } else { window.location.replace(currentLocWithoutHash + newHash); } }
function collapse() { if (IOS) { $('body').off('touchstart'); $('body').off('touchend'); }
if ($axure.player.isMobileMode()) { $('#mHideSidebar').hide(); $('#nativeAppControlFrame').hide(); $('#mobileBrowserControlFrame').hide(); } else { $axure.player.deleteVarFromCurrentUrlHash('g'); $axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash('c', 1); if (!MOBILE_DEVICE) $('#maximizePanelContainer').show(); lastLeftPanelWidth = $('.leftPanel').width(); lastRightPanelWidth = $('.rightPanel').width();
$('.leftPanel').hide(); $('.rightPanel').hide(); $('#topPanel').hide();
$('.splitbar').hide(); $('#mainPanel').width($(window).width()); $('#clippingBounds').width($(window).width()); $('#clippingBounds').css('left', '0px'); $(window).resize();
$(document).trigger('sidebarCollapse'); $('#maximizeButton').addClass('rotated'); } }
function expand() { if ($axure.player.isMobileMode()) { $('#mHideSidebar').show(); $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').show(); $axure.utils.isShareApp() ? $('#nativeAppControlFrame').show() : $('#mobileBrowserControlFrame').show(); } else { $minimizeContainer = $('#interfaceControlFrameMinimizeContainer'); $minimizeContainer.removeClass('collapseHovered'); $axure.player.deleteVarFromCurrentUrlHash('c'); $('#maximizeButton').removeClass('rotated'); $('#maximizePanelContainer').hide(); $axure.player.restorePlugins(); $('#topPanel').show(); $(window).resize();
$(document).trigger('sidebarExpanded'); } }
function mainFrame_onload() { if ($axure.page.pageName) document.title = $axure.page.pageName; }
function getQueryString(query) { var qstring = self.location.href.split("?"); if (qstring.length < 2) return ""; return GetParameter(qstring, query); }
function GetParameter(qstring, query) { var prms = qstring[1].split("&"); var frmelements = new Array(); var currprmeter, querystr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < prms.length; i++) { currprmeter = prms[i].split("="); frmelements[i] = new Array(); frmelements[i][0] = currprmeter[0]; frmelements[i][1] = currprmeter[1]; }
for (j = 0; j < frmelements.length; j++) { if (frmelements[j][0].toLowerCase() == query.toLowerCase()) { querystr = frmelements[j][1]; break; } } return querystr; } $axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash = function(varName, varVal) { var newHash = $axure.utils.setHashStringVar(window.location.hash, varName, varVal);
if (newHash != null) { replaceHash(newHash); } }
function deleteHashStringVar(currentHash, varName) { var varWithEqual = varName + '=';
var pageIndex = currentHash.indexOf('#' + varWithEqual); if (pageIndex == -1) pageIndex = currentHash.indexOf('&' + varWithEqual); if (pageIndex != -1) { var newHash = currentHash.substring(0, pageIndex);
var ampIndex = currentHash.indexOf('&', pageIndex + 1);
//IF begin of string....if none blank, ELSE # instead of & and rest
//IF in string....prefix + if none blank, ELSE &-rest
if (newHash == '') { //beginning of string
newHash = ampIndex != -1 ? '#' + currentHash.substring(ampIndex + 1) : ''; } else { //somewhere in the middle
newHash = newHash + (ampIndex != -1 ? currentHash.substring(ampIndex) : ''); }
return newHash; }
return null; }
$axure.player.deleteVarFromCurrentUrlHash = function(varName) { var newHash = deleteHashStringVar(window.location.hash, varName);
if (newHash != null) { replaceHash(newHash); } };
function setUpController() {
//$axure.utils = _axUtils;
var _page = {}; $axure.page = _page;
$axure.utils.makeBindable(_page, ['load']);
var _player = function () { }; $axure.player = _player;
//Global Var array, getLinkUrl function and setGlobalVar listener are
//for use in setting global vars in page url string when clicking a
//page in the sitemap
//NEW: this is now also used when navigating to a new window/popup,
//if there are global variables on the urls
var _globalVars = loadVariablesFromUrl(true);
//Used by getLinkUrl below to check if local server is running
//in order to send back the global variables as a query string
//in the page url
var _shouldSendVarsToServer = function () { //If exception occurs (due to page in content frame being from a different domain, etc)
//then run the check without the url (which will end up checking against sitemap url)
try { var mainFrame = document.getElementById("mainFrame"); return $axure.shouldSendVarsToServer(mainFrame.contentWindow.location.href); } catch (e) { return $axure.shouldSendVarsToServer(); } };
var _getLinkUrl = function (baseUrl) { var toAdd = ''; for (var globalVarName in _globalVars) { var val = _globalVars[globalVarName]; if (val != null) { if (toAdd.length > 0) toAdd += '&'; toAdd += globalVarName + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); } } return toAdd.length > 0 ? baseUrl + (_shouldSendVarsToServer() ? '?' : '#') + toAdd + "&CSUM=1" : baseUrl; }; $axure.getLinkUrlWithVars = _getLinkUrl;
$axure.messageCenter.addMessageListener(function (message, data) { if (message == 'setGlobalVar') { _globalVars[data.globalVarName] = data.globalVarValue; } });
$axure.messageCenter.addStateListener('page.data', function (key, value) { for (var subKey in value) { _page[subKey] = value[subKey]; } $axure.page.triggerEvent('load'); });
// ---------------------------------------------
// Navigates the main frame (setting the currently visible page). If the link is relative,
// this method should test if it is actually a axure rp page being loaded and properly set
// up all the controller for the page if it is
// ---------------------------------------------
_page.navigate = function (url, includeVariables) { var mainFrame = document.getElementById("mainFrame"); //var mainFrame = window.parent.mainFrame;
// if this is a relative url...
var urlToLoad; if (url.indexOf(':') < 0 || url[0] == '/') { var winHref = window.location.href; var page = winHref.substring(0, winHref.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + url; urlToLoad = page; } else { urlToLoad = url; } if (!includeVariables) { mainFrame.contentWindow.location.href = urlToLoad; return; } var urlWithVars = $axure.getLinkUrlWithVars(urlToLoad); var currentData = $axure.messageCenter.getState('page.data'); var currentUrl = currentData && currentData.location; if (currentUrl && currentUrl.indexOf('#') != -1) currentUrl = currentUrl.substring(0, currentUrl.indexOf('#'))
// this is so we can make sure the current frame reloads if the variables have changed
// by default, if the location is the same but the hash code is different, the browser will not
// trigger a reload
mainFrame.contentWindow.location.href = currentUrl && urlToLoad.toLowerCase() != currentUrl.toLowerCase() ? urlWithVars : 'resources/reload.html#' + encodeURI(urlWithVars);
var pluginIds = []; var plugins = {}; var currentVisibleHostId = {}; // ---------------------------------------------
// Adds a tool box frame from a url to the interface. This is useful for loading plugins
// settings is an object that supports the following properties:
// - id : the id of the element for the plugin
// - context : the context to create the plugin host for
// - title : the user-visible caption for the plugin
// ---------------------------------------------
_player.createPluginHost = function (settings) { if (!settings.context || !(settings.context === 'project' || settings.context === 'inspect')) { //throw ('unknown context type');
return false; }
if (settings.id == 'feedbackHost') $('#overflowMenuContainer').prepend('<div id="showCommentsOption" class="showOption" style="order: 2"><div class="overflowOptionCheckbox"></div>Show Comments</div>');
if (!settings.id) throw ('each plugin host needs an id');
if (typeof PREVIEW_INFO === 'undefined') { // Share-Hosted Prototype
if (settings.id == 'debugHost') { return false; } if (settings.id == 'handoffHost') { $('#handoffControlFrameHeaderContainer').show(); } } else { // Preview Mode
if (settings.id == 'handoffHost') { return false; } }
pluginIds[pluginIds.length] = settings.id; plugins[settings.id] = settings;
var hostContainerId = settings.context + 'ControlFrameHostContainer'; hostContainerId = _player.isMobileMode() ? 'mHideSidebar' : 'outerContainer'; var panelClass = 'rightPanel'; var host; if (settings.context == 'project') { panelClass = 'leftPanel'; if (_player.isMobileMode() && $('#' + hostContainerId).find('#projectOptionsHost').length > 0) { host = $('<div id="' + settings.id + '" class="' + panelClass + '"></div>') .insertAfter('#projectOptionsHost'); } else { host = $('<div id="' + settings.id + '" class="' + panelClass + '"></div>') .prependTo('#' + hostContainerId); } } else { if (!$('#separatorContainer').hasClass('hasLeft')) $('#separatorContainer').addClass('hasLeft'); host = $('<div id="' + settings.id + '" class="' + panelClass + '"></div>') .appendTo('#' + hostContainerId); }
$(('#' + settings.id)).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
var controlContainerId = getControlContainerId(settings.id);
if (!_player.isMobileMode()) host.hide(); else _player.updatePlugins();
// TODO: border radius in ie and edge causes image to be blurry (for now, just remove border-radius)
var style = (IE || $axure.browser.isEdge) ? '" style="border-radius: 0': ''; var headerLink = $('<a pluginId="' + settings.id + '" title="' + settings.title + style + '" >' + (settings.context === 'inspect' ? ('<span>' + '</span>'): ' ') + '</a>'); headerLink.mousedown($axure.utils.curry(interfaceControlHeaderButton_click, settings.id)).wrap('<li id="' + settings.id + 'Btn"' + (settings.id == "handoffHost" ? ' style="display: none"' : '') + '>');
headerLink.parent().appendTo('#' + controlContainerId);
if (_player.isMobileMode()) $axure.player.resizeContent();
$(document).trigger('pluginCreated', [settings.gid]); };
var getControlContainerId = function (id) { return plugins[id].context + 'ControlFrameHeader'; }
var getVisiblePlugins = function () { var ids = ''; for (var id in plugins) { var context = plugins[id].context; if (currentVisibleHostId[context] == id) { ids += plugins[id].gid; } } return ids; }
_player.pluginVisibleChanged = function(hostId, visible) { if (plugins[hostId]) { $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('pluginVisibleChanged', { id: hostId, gid: plugins[hostId].gid, visible: visible }); } }
var interfaceControlHeaderButton_click = function (id) { if (_player.isAnimating) { return; } $axure.player.closePopup();
var controlContainerId = getControlContainerId(id); var context = plugins[id].context;
var clickedPlugin = $('#' + controlContainerId + ' a[pluginId=' + id + ']'); if (currentVisibleHostId[context] == id) { clickedPlugin.removeClass('selected'); if (id == "sitemapHost") { $('#sitemapControlFrameContainer').removeClass('selected'); } currentVisibleHostId[context] = -1; _player.collapseToBar(context, id); $(document).trigger('pluginShown', [getVisiblePlugins()]); } else { $('#' + controlContainerId + ' a').removeClass('selected'); clickedPlugin.addClass('selected'); if (id == "sitemapHost") { $('#sitemapControlFrameContainer').addClass('selected'); }
$('#' + currentVisibleHostId[context]).hide(); $axure.player.pluginVisibleChanged(currentVisibleHostId[context], false); currentVisibleHostId[context] = id; _player.expandFromBar(id, context);
$(document).trigger('pluginShown', [getVisiblePlugins()]); } };
_player.pluginClose = function (id) { var controlContainerId = getControlContainerId(id); var context = plugins[id].context;
var clickedPlugin = $('#' + controlContainerId + ' a[pluginId=' + id + ']'); if (!clickedPlugin.hasClass('selected')) { return; } clickedPlugin.removeClass('selected'); currentVisibleHostId[context] = -1; _player.collapseToBar(context, id);
$(document).trigger('pluginShown', [getVisiblePlugins()]); };
_player.showPlugin = function (gid) { for (var id in plugins) { if (plugins[id].gid == gid) { interfaceControlHeaderButton_click(id); break; } } };
_player.restorePlugins = function () { var selectedPluginsCount = 0; for (var id in plugins) { var clickedPlugin = $('#' + getControlContainerId(id) + ' a[pluginId=' + id + ']'); if (clickedPlugin.hasClass('selected')) selectedPluginsCount++; } if ($axure.player.settings.isAxshare && selectedPluginsCount != 0) $('#clippingBoundsScrollContainer').hide();
var selectedPluginsSeen = 0; for (var id in plugins) { var controlContainerId = getControlContainerId(id); var context = plugins[id].context; var clickedPlugin = $('#' + controlContainerId + ' a[pluginId=' + id + ']'); if (clickedPlugin.hasClass('selected')) { //_player.showPlugin(id);
// TODO: handoffHost would need center inspect icon highlighted and rightFrameIcon set to visible
//if (id == 'handoffHost') { }
//$('#' + id).show();
selectedPluginsSeen++; _player.expandFromBar(id, context, selectedPluginsCount == selectedPluginsSeen); } else { $('#' + id).hide(); } } $(document).trigger('pluginShown', [getVisiblePlugins()]); };
_player.navigateToIssue = function (issueId) { if (typeof feedback !== 'undefined') { feedback.navigateToIssue(issueId); } }; }
$axure.player.hideAllPlayerControllers = function(isVisible) { // TOOD: Verify that the containers are set to the right state after re-enabling them
if(isVisible) { $('#topPanel').css('display', ''); $('#popupContainer').css('display', ''); $('#maximizePanelContainer').css('display', ''); $('#mobileControlFrameContainer').css('display', ''); } else { $('#topPanel').hide(); $('#popupContainer').hide(); $('#maximizePanelContainer').hide(); // TODO: This needs to have a function where it prevents itself from showing up externally
$('#mobileControlFrameContainer').hide(); } }
// TODO: General function to add bezels/overlays if applicable
$axure.player.addDeviceFraming = function (project, isEdit) { // Temporary
var devices = { iPhone8: 0, iPhone8Plus: 1, iPhoneSE: 2, iPhoneX: 3, iPad4: 4, GalaxyS8: 5, Pixel2: 6, Pixel2XL: 7, Mobile: 8, Tablet9: 9, Tablet7: 10, Custom: 11, Web: 12 };
// TODO: Need to bring over some platform functionality -> function might not be present
if (!$axure.player.settings.isExpo || project.Platform.Device === 12) { return; }
// TODO: Generate html for overlay and bezel containers
// TODO: Determine if preview player or full prototype player to establish where containers will be stored
var currDevice = project.Platform.Device; var rootPath = '../../Scripts/Expo/StaticContent/resources/images/mobile/'; var framePath, overlayPath;
var $overlayParent = $(window.parent.parent.document).find('#previewPlayerDiv'); $overlayParent = isEdit && $overlayParent.length !== 0 ? $overlayParent : $('#mainPanelContainer');
$overlayParent.css('overflow', 'visible');
// TODO: Import enum of Device types -> import via TS definitions. WILL NEED TO REMEMBER THAT WE NEED TO SYNC SERVER AND CLIENT SIDE
// TODO: Create mapping of required images to device type
// images will be stored in ../../images/mobile
// TODO: Manage resizing
// TODO: Manage pointer clicks
// TODO: Status bar -> Default or via settings
// TODO: Establish img paths
switch (currDevice) { case devices.iPhone8: case devices.iPhone8Plus: framePath = rootPath + 'iphone.svg'; overlayPath = ""; break; case devices.iPhoneSE: break; case devices.iPhoneX: framePath = ""; overlayPath = ""; break; case devices.iPad4: break; case devices.Pixel2: break; case devices.Pixel2XL: break; case devices.GalaxyS8: break; case devices.Mobile: case devices.Tablet7: case devices.Tablet9: case devices.Custom: default: break; }
// TODO: Append images
// TODO: Position and initial dimensions
// TODO: Add resize handlers (?)
// TODO: Add pointer event handers (?)
if (framePath != undefined) { $overlayParent.prepend(genFrameContainer());
var $fContainer = $overlayParent.find('#deviceFrameContainer'); var $frame = $fContainer.find('#deviceFrame');
$frame.css('background-image', "url('" + framePath + "')"); $frame.css('height', ''); $frame.css('width', ''); $frame.css('top', ''); $frame.css('left', '');
if(isEdit) { $fContainer.css('z-index', -1); } }
if (overlayPath != undefined) { // TODO: Update for edit mode
// $overlayParent.append(genOverlayContainer());
var $oContainer = $overlayParent.find('#deviceOverlayContainer'); var $overlay = $oContainer.find('#deviceOverlay');
$overlay.css('background-image', "url('" + overlayPath + "')"); } }
function genFrameContainer(bezelPath) { var container = [ '<div id="deviceFrameContainer">', ' <div id="deviceFrame">', ' </div>', '</div>' ].join("");
return container; }