$axure.internal(function($ax) { var widgetDragInfo = new Object(); var _drag = {}; $ax.drag = _drag;
$ax.drag.GetWidgetDragInfo = function() { return $.extend({}, widgetDragInfo); };
$ax.drag.StartDragWidget = function(event, id) { $ax.setjBrowserEvent(jQuery.Event(event)); //we should only start drag on one target, otherwise the _dragWidget and _stopDragWidget events from multiple targets will be conflicted
if(event.donotdrag || widgetDragInfo.started) return;
var x, y; var tg; if(IE_10_AND_BELOW) { x = window.event.clientX + window.document.documentElement.scrollLeft + window.document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + window.document.documentElement.scrollTop + window.document.body.scrollTop; tg = window.event.srcElement; } else { if(event.changedTouches) { x = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; y = event.changedTouches[0].pageY; } else { x = event.pageX; y = event.pageY; event.preventDefault(); } tg = event.target; }
widgetDragInfo.started = true; widgetDragInfo.hasDragged= false; widgetDragInfo.widgetId = id; widgetDragInfo.cursorStartX = x; widgetDragInfo.cursorStartY = y; widgetDragInfo.lastX = x; widgetDragInfo.lastY = y; widgetDragInfo.currentX = x; widgetDragInfo.currentY = y;
widgetDragInfo.movedWidgets = new Object(); widgetDragInfo.startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); widgetDragInfo.targetWidget = tg;
var movedownName = IE_10_AND_BELOW && $ax.features.supports.windowsMobile ? $ax.features.eventNames.mouseDownName : $ax.features.eventNames.mouseMoveName; $ax.event.addEvent(document, movedownName, _dragWidget, true); $ax.event.addEvent(document, $ax.features.eventNames.mouseUpName, _stopDragWidget, true);
var _dragWidget = function(event) { $ax.setjBrowserEvent(jQuery.Event(event));
var x, y; if(IE_10_AND_BELOW) { x = window.event.clientX + window.document.documentElement.scrollLeft + window.document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + window.document.documentElement.scrollTop + window.document.body.scrollTop; } else { if(event.changedTouches) { x = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; y = event.changedTouches[0].pageY; //allow scroll (defaults) if only swipe events have cases and delta x is less than 5px and not blocking scrolling
var deltaX = x - widgetDragInfo.currentX; var target = window.document.getElementById(widgetDragInfo.widgetId); if($ax.event.hasSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onDrag") || $ax.event.hasSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onSwipeUp") || $ax.event.hasSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onSwipeDown") || (deltaX * deltaX) > 25 || ($ax.document.configuration.preventScroll && $ax.legacy.GetScrollable(target) == window.document.body)) { event.preventDefault(); } } else { x = event.pageX; y = event.pageY; } } widgetDragInfo.xDelta = x - widgetDragInfo.currentX; widgetDragInfo.yDelta = y - widgetDragInfo.currentY; widgetDragInfo.lastX = widgetDragInfo.currentX; widgetDragInfo.lastY = widgetDragInfo.currentY; widgetDragInfo.currentX = x; widgetDragInfo.currentY = y;
widgetDragInfo.currentTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// $ax.legacy.SuppressBubble(event);
if(!widgetDragInfo.hasDragged) { widgetDragInfo.hasDragged = true; $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onDragStart");
//only update to move cursor is we are moving objects
if($ax.event.hasSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onDrag")) { widgetDragInfo.cursorChanged = true; widgetDragInfo.oldBodyCursor = window.document.body.style.cursor; window.document.body.style.cursor = 'move'; widgetDragInfo.oldCursor = widget.style.cursor; var widget = window.document.getElementById(widgetDragInfo.widgetId); widget.style.cursor = 'move'; //need to do this in order to change the cursor under nice scroll
var niceScrollContainer = $ax.adaptive.getNiceScrollContainer(widget); if(niceScrollContainer) { widgetDragInfo.oldNiceScrollContainerCursor = niceScrollContainer.style.cursor; niceScrollContainer.style.cursor = 'move'; } } }
$ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onDrag"); };
var _suppressClickAfterDrag = function(event) { _removeSuppressEvents();
$ax.legacy.SuppressBubble(event); };
var _removeSuppressEvents = function () { if(IE_10_AND_BELOW) { $ax.event.removeEvent(event.srcElement, 'click', _suppressClickAfterDrag, undefined, true); $ax.event.removeEvent(widgetDragInfo.targetWidget, 'mousemove', _removeSuppressEvents, undefined, true); } else { $ax.event.removeEvent(document, "click", _suppressClickAfterDrag, true); $ax.event.removeEvent(document, 'mousemove', _removeSuppressEvents, true); } };
var _stopDragWidget = function(event) { $ax.setjBrowserEvent(jQuery.Event(event));
var tg;
var movedownName = IE_10_AND_BELOW && $ax.features.supports.windowsMobile ? $ax.features.eventNames.mouseDownName : $ax.features.eventNames.mouseMoveName; $ax.event.removeEvent(document, movedownName, _dragWidget, true); $ax.event.removeEvent(document, $ax.features.eventNames.mouseUpName, _stopDragWidget, true);
tg = IE_10_AND_BELOW ? window.event.srcElement : event.target;
if(widgetDragInfo.hasDragged) { widgetDragInfo.currentTime = (new Date()).getTime(); $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onDragDrop");
if($ax.globalVariableProvider.getVariableValue('totaldragx') < -30 && $ax.globalVariableProvider.getVariableValue('dragtime') < 1000) { $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onSwipeLeft"); }
if($ax.globalVariableProvider.getVariableValue('totaldragx') > 30 && $ax.globalVariableProvider.getVariableValue('dragtime') < 1000) { $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onSwipeRight"); }
var totalDragY = $ax.globalVariableProvider.getVariableValue('totaldragy'); if(totalDragY < -30 && $ax.globalVariableProvider.getVariableValue('dragtime') < 1000) { $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onSwipeUp"); }
if(totalDragY > 30 && $ax.globalVariableProvider.getVariableValue('dragtime') < 1000) { $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(widgetDragInfo.widgetId, "onSwipeDown"); }
if(widgetDragInfo.cursorChanged) { window.document.body.style.cursor = widgetDragInfo.oldBodyCursor; var widget = window.document.getElementById(widgetDragInfo.widgetId); // It may be null if OnDragDrop filtered out the widget
if(widget != null) widget.style.cursor = widgetDragInfo.oldCursor; //we don't seems need to reset nicescroll cursor on container, nicescroll seems updates its cursor
// if(widgetDragInfo.oldNiceScrollContainerCursor != undefined) {
// var niceScrollContainer = $ax.adaptive.getNiceScrollContainer(widget);
// if(niceScrollContainer) niceScrollContainer.style.cursor = widgetDragInfo.oldNiceScrollContainerCursor;
// widgetDragInfo.oldNiceScrollContainerCursor = undefined;
// }
widgetDragInfo.cursorChanged = undefined; }
if(widgetDragInfo.targetWidget == tg && !event.changedTouches) { // suppress the click after the drag on desktop browsers
if(IE_10_AND_BELOW && widgetDragInfo.targetWidget) { $ax.event.addEvent(widgetDragInfo.targetWidget, 'click', _suppressClickAfterDrag, true, true); $ax.event.addEvent(widgetDragInfo.targetWidget, "onmousemove", _removeSuppressEvents, true, true); } else { $ax.event.addEvent(document, "click", _suppressClickAfterDrag, true); $ax.event.addEvent(document, "mousemove", _removeSuppressEvents, true);
} } }
widgetDragInfo.hasDragged = false; widgetDragInfo.movedWidgets = new Object(); widgetDragInfo.started = false;
return false; };
$ax.drag.GetDragX = function() { if(widgetDragInfo.hasDragged) return widgetDragInfo.xDelta; return 0; };
$ax.drag.GetDragY = function() { if(widgetDragInfo.hasDragged) return widgetDragInfo.yDelta; return 0; };
$ax.drag.GetTotalDragX = function() { if(widgetDragInfo.hasDragged) return widgetDragInfo.currentX - widgetDragInfo.cursorStartX; return 0; };
$ax.drag.GetTotalDragY = function() { if(widgetDragInfo.hasDragged) return widgetDragInfo.currentY - widgetDragInfo.cursorStartY; return 0; };
$ax.drag.GetDragTime = function() { if(widgetDragInfo.hasDragged) return widgetDragInfo.currentTime - widgetDragInfo.startTime; return 600000; };
$ax.drag.LogMovedWidgetForDrag = function (id, dragInfo) { dragInfo = dragInfo || widgetDragInfo; if(dragInfo.hasDragged) { var containerIndex = id.indexOf('_container'); if(containerIndex != -1) id = id.substring(0, containerIndex);
// If state or other non-widget id, this should not be dragged, and should exit out to avoid exceptions.
if(!$obj(id)) return;
var query = $ax('#' + id); //var x = query.left();
//var y = query.top();
var viewportLocation = query.viewportLocation(); var x = viewportLocation.left; var y = viewportLocation.top;
var movedWidgets = dragInfo.movedWidgets; if(!movedWidgets[id]) { movedWidgets[id] = new Location(x, y); } } };
var Location = function(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; $ax.drag.location = Location;
var Rectangle = $ax.drag.Rectangle = function(x, y, width, height) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.right = x + width; this.bottom = y + height; };
Rectangle.prototype.IntersectsWith = function(rect) { if(this.Invalid()) return false; if(rect.length) { for(var i = 0; i < rect.length; i++) if(!rect[i].Invalid && this.IntersectsWith(rect[i])) return true; return false; } if(rect.Invalid()) return false; return this.x < rect.right && this.right > rect.x && this.y < rect.bottom && this.bottom > rect.y; };
Rectangle.prototype.Invalid = function() { return this.x == -1 && this.y == -1 && this.width == -1 && this.height == -1; };
Rectangle.prototype.Move = function(x, y) { return new Rectangle(x, y, this.width, this.height); }; });