$axure.internal(function($ax) {
$(window.document).ready(function () { //var readyStart = (new Date()).getTime();
//this is because the page id is not formatted as a guid
var pageId = $ax.pageData.page.packageId;
var pageData = { id: pageId, pageName: $ax.pageData.page.name, location: window.location.toString(), notes: $ax.pageData.page.notes, widgetNotes: $ax.pageData.page.annotations, //clipToView: $ax.pageData.clipToView,
defaultAdaptiveView: $ax.pageData.defaultAdaptiveView, adaptiveViews: $ax.pageData.adaptiveViews, masterNotes: [] };
var fnPrefix = ''; function pushNextPrefix() { if (fnPrefix.length == 0) fnPrefix = 'A'; else fnPrefix = fnPrefix[0] == 'Z' ? 'A'.repeat(fnPrefix.length + 1) : String.fromCharCode(fnPrefix.charCodeAt(0) + 1).repeat(fnPrefix.length); }
function populateNotes(pageForNotes) { for (var master in pageForNotes.masters) { //var master = pageForNotes.masters[i];
var masterData = pageForNotes.masters[master]; var hasWidgetNotes = masterData.annotations && masterData.annotations.length > 0; if ((master.notes && !$.isEmptyObject(masterData.notes)) || hasWidgetNotes) { if(hasWidgetNotes) pushNextPrefix(); var m = {}; m.pageName = masterData.name; m.notes = masterData.notes; m.widgetNotes = masterData.annotations; pageData.masterNotes.push(m); if(hasWidgetNotes) populateOwnerToFn(m.widgetNotes); } populateNotes(master); } }
var ownerToFns = {}; function populateOwnerToFn(widgetNotes) { if(typeof widgetNotes == 'undefined') return false; for (var i = 0; i < widgetNotes.length; i++) { var widgetNote = widgetNotes[i]; widgetNote['fn'] = fnPrefix + widgetNote['fn']; var fn = widgetNote['fn']; var ownerId = widgetNote['ownerId']; if (ownerId !== undefined && ownerId.length > 0) { var ownerLabels = ownerToFns[ownerId]; if (ownerLabels == undefined) ownerLabels = []; ownerLabels.push(fn); ownerToFns[ownerId] = ownerLabels; } } }
populateOwnerToFn(pageData.widgetNotes); populateNotes($ax.pageData); pageData.ownerToFns = ownerToFns;
$ax.pageData.notesData = pageData;
//var anns = [];
//$ax('*').each(function (dObj, elementId) {
// pushAnnotation(dObj, elementId);
//function pushAnnotation(dObj, elementId) {
// var ann = dObj.annotation;
// if(ann) {
// ann = $ax.deepCopy(ann);
// ann["id"] = elementId;
// ann["label"] = dObj.label + " (" + dObj.friendlyType + ")";
// anns.push(ann);
// }
// if(dObj.type === 'repeater' && dObj.objects) {
// //if it's repeater, save the id as repeaterId@scriptId
// for(var i = 0, len = dObj.objects.length; i < len; i++) {
// var child = dObj.objects[i];
// var scriptId = $ax.getScriptIdFromPath([child.id], elementId);
// pushAnnotation(child, elementId + '@' + scriptId);
// }
// }
//pageData.widgetNotes = anns;
//only trigger the page.data setting if the window is on the mainframe
var isMainFrame = false; try { if(window.name == 'mainFrame' || (!CHROME_5_LOCAL && window.parent.$ && window.parent.$('#mainFrame').length > 0)) { isMainFrame = true;
$ax.messageCenter.addMessageListener(function(message, data) { if(message == 'finishInit') { _processTempInit(); } });
$axure.messageCenter.setState('page.data', pageData); window.focus(); } } catch(e) { }
//attach here for chrome local
//$(window).on('load', function() {
// $ax.style.initializeObjectTextAlignment($ax('*'));
if(!isMainFrame) _processTempInit(); });
var touchCount = 0; var lastTouch = Date.now(); var _registerTouchCount = $ax.registerTouchCount = function (e) { var now = Date.now(); if (now - lastTouch < 375) { if (++touchCount === 3) { $(':input').blur(); $ax.messageCenter.postMessage('tripleClick', true); e.preventDefault(); }; } else { touchCount = 1; } lastTouch = now; };
// Block IOS stalling second tap.
// Stop third click from also clicking mobile card
var _clearTouchCount = $ax.clearTouchCount = function (e) { if (touchCount === 3) { touchCount = 0; e.preventDefault(); } };
var _processTempInit = function() { //var start = (new Date()).getTime();
//var end = (new Date()).getTime();
//window.alert('elapsed ' + (end - start));
$('iframe').each(function() { var origSrc = $(this).attr('basesrc');
var $this = $(this); if(origSrc) { var newSrcUrl = origSrc.toLowerCase().indexOf('http://') == -1 ? $ax.globalVariableProvider.getLinkUrl(origSrc) : origSrc; $this.attr('src', newSrcUrl); }
if(IOS) { $this.parent().css('overflow', 'auto').css('-webkit-overflow-scrolling', 'touch').css('-ms-overflow-x', 'hidden').css('overflow-x', 'hidden'); } });
$axure.messageCenter.addMessageListener(function(message, data) { if(message == 'setGlobalVar') { $ax.globalVariableProvider.setVariableValue(data.globalVarName, data.globalVarValue, true); } });
window.lastFocusedClickable = null; var _lastFocusedClickableSelector = 'input, a'; var shouldOutline = true;
$ax(function (dObj) { return dObj.tabbable; }).each(function (dObj, elementId) { if ($ax.public.fn.IsLayer(dObj.type)) $ax.event.layerMapFocus(dObj, elementId); var focusableId = $ax.event.getFocusableWidgetOrChildId(elementId); var $focusable = $('#' + focusableId); $focusable.attr("tabIndex", 0); if($focusable.is('div') || $focusable.is('img')) { $focusable.bind($ax.features.eventNames.mouseDownName, function() { shouldOutline = false; }); attachFocusAndBlur($focusable); } });
$(window.document).bind($ax.features.eventNames.mouseUpName, function() { shouldOutline = true; });
function attachFocusAndBlur($query) { $query.focus(function () { if(shouldOutline) { $(this).css('outline', ''); } else { $(this).css('outline', 'none'); } window.lastFocusedClickable = this; }).blur(function () { if(window.lastFocusedClickable == this) window.lastFocusedClickable = null; }); }
$(window.document).bind('keyup', function (e) { switch(e.which) { case 13: case 32: if(window.lastFocusedClickable) $(window.lastFocusedClickable).click(); break; default: return; // exit this handler for other keys
} });
//if($ax.document.configuration.hideAddress) {
// $(window).on('load', function() {
// window.setTimeout(function() {
// window.scrollTo(0, 0.9);
// }, 0);
// });
//if($ax.document.configuration.preventScroll) {
// $(window.document).bind('touchmove', function(e) {
// var inScrollable = $ax.legacy.GetScrollable(e.target) != window.document.body;
// if(!inScrollable) {
// e.preventDefault();
// }
// });
// $ax(function(diagramObject) {
// return $ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(diagramObject.type) && diagramObject.scrollbars != 'none';
// }).$().children().bind('touchstart', function() {
// var target = this;
// var top = target.scrollTop;
// if(top <= 0) target.scrollTop = 1;
// if(top + target.offsetHeight >= target.scrollHeight) target.scrollTop = target.scrollHeight - target.offsetHeight - 1;
// });
if(OS_MAC && WEBKIT) { $ax(function(diagramObject) { return $ax.public.fn.IsComboBox(diagramObject.type); }).each(function(obj, id) { $jobj($ax.INPUT(id)).css('-webkit-appearance', 'menulist-button'); }); }
if($ax.features.supports.mobile) { $('html').first().on('touchstart', _registerTouchCount); $('html').first().on('touchend', _clearTouchCount);
// Stop pinch zoom (stopping all gestures for now)
// Gesturestart is only supported in Safari
if (SAFARI) { document.addEventListener("gesturestart", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); } }
$ax.legacy.BringFixedToFront(); $ax.event.initialize(); $ax.style.initialize(); $ax.visibility.initialize(); $ax.repeater.initialize(); $ax.dynamicPanelManager.initialize(); //needs to be called after visibility is initialized
$ax.adaptive.initialize(); $ax.loadDynamicPanelsAndMasters(); $ax.adaptive.loadFinished(); var start = (new Date()).getTime(); $ax.repeater.initRefresh(); var end = (new Date()).getTime(); console.log('loadTime: ' + (end - start) / 1000); $ax.style.prefetch();
//var readyEnd = (new Date()).getTime();
//window.alert('elapsed ' + (readyEnd - readyStart));
}; });
/* extend canvas */ var gv_hasCanvas = false; (function() { var _canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), proto, abbrev; if(gv_hasCanvas = !!(_canvas.getContext && _canvas.getContext('2d')) && typeof (CanvasGradient) !== 'undefined') { function chain(func) { return function() { return func.apply(this, arguments) || this; }; }
with(proto = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype) for(var func in abbrev = { a: arc, b: beginPath, n: clearRect, c: clip, p: closePath, g: createLinearGradient, f: fill, j: fillRect, z: function(s) { this.fillStyle = s; }, l: lineTo, w: function(w) { this.lineWidth = w; }, m: moveTo, q: quadraticCurveTo, h: rect, r: restore, o: rotate, s: save, x: scale, y: function(s) { this.strokeStyle = s; }, u: setTransform, k: stroke, i: strokeRect, t: translate }) proto[func] = chain(abbrev[func]); CanvasGradient.prototype.a = chain(CanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop); } })();