You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace App\Common\Wechat;
* 微信自定义菜单
class WechatMenu
private $app_id;
private $app_secret;
private $access_token;
private $expires_in;
public function __construct($app_id, $app_secret)
$this->app_id = $app_id;
$this->app_secret = $app_secret;
$token = $this->get_access_token();
$this->access_token = $token['access_token'];
$this->expires_in = $token['expires_in'];
* 获取授权access_token
public function get_access_token()
$token_url = "{$this->app_id}&secret={$this->app_secret}";
$token_data = $this->http($token_url);
return json_decode($token_data, true);
* 自定义菜单创建
* @param string $jsonmenu
public function create_menu($jsonmenu)
$url = "".$this->access_token;
return $this->http($url, $jsonmenu);
* 查询菜单
* @param $access_token 已获取的ACCESS_TOKEN
public function getmenu($access_token)
# code...
$url = "".$this->access_token;
$data = file_get_contents($url);
return $data;
* 删除菜单
* @param $access_token 已获取的ACCESS_TOKEN
public function delmenu($access_token)
# code...
$url = "".$this->access_token;
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url),true);
if ($data['errcode']==0)
# code...
return true;
return false;
* 获取最新5天关注用户发过来的消息,消息id,用户fakeid,昵称,消息内容
* 返回结构:id:msgId; fakeId; nickName; content;
* @return array
public function newmesg()
$url = ''.$this->access_token.'&lang=zh_CN&count=50&rad='.rand(10000, 99999);
$stream = $this->http($url);
preg_match('/< type="json" id="json-msgList">(.*?)<\/>/is', $stream, $match);
$json = json_decode($match[1], true);
$returns = array();
foreach ( $json as $val)
if ( $val['starred'] == '0')
$returns[] = $val;
return $returns;
* 设置标记
* @param integer $msgId 消息标记
* @return boolean
public function start($msgId)
$url = ''.rand(10000, 99999);
$post = 'msgid='.$msgId.'&value=1&token='.$this->access_token.'&ajax=1';
$stream = $this->http($url, $post);
// 是不是设置成功
$html = preg_replace("/^.*\{/is", "{", $stream);
$json = json_decode($html, true);
return (boolean)$json['msg'] == 'sys ok';
* 发送消息
* 结构 $param = array(fakeId, content, msgId);
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
public function sendmesg($param)
$url = '';
$post = 'error=false&tofakeid='.$param['fakeId'].'&type=1&content='.$param['content'].'&quickreplyid='.$param['msgId'].'&token='.$this->access_token.'&ajax=1';
$stream = $this->http($url, $post);
// 是不是设置成功
$html = preg_replace("/^.*\{/is", "{", $stream);
$json = json_decode($html, true);
return (boolean)$json['msg'] == 'ok';
* 主动发消息结构
* $param = array(fakeId, content);
* @param array $param
* @return [type] [description]
public function send($param)
$url = '';
//$post = 'ajax=1&appmsgid='.$param['msgid'].'&error=false&fid='.$param['msgid'].'&tofakeid='.$param['fakeId'].'&token='.$this->access_token.'&type=10';
$post = 'ajax=1&content='.$param['content'].'&error=false&tofakeid='.$param['fakeId'].'&token='.$this->access_token.'&type=1';
$stream = $this->html($url, $post);
// 是不是设置成功
$html = preg_replace("/^.*\{/is", "{", $stream);
$json = json_decode($html, true);
return (boolean)$json['msg'] == 'ok';
* 批量发送(可能需要设置超时)
* $param = array(fakeIds, content);
* @param array $param
* @return [type] [description]
public function batSend($param)
{ $url = '';
$post = 'ajax=1&city=&content='.$param['content'].'&country=&error=false&groupid='.$param['groupid'].'&needcomment=0&province=&sex=0&token='.$this->access_token.'&type=1';
$stream = $this->html($url, $post);
// 是不是设置成功
$html = preg_replace("/^.*\{/is", "{", $stream);
$json = json_decode($html, true);
return (boolean)$json['msg'] == 'ok';
* 新建图文消息
public function setNews($param, $post_data)
$url = '';
$post = 'ajax=1&token='.$this->access_token.'';
$stream = $this->html($url, $post);
$url = ''.$param['type'].'&token='.$this->access_token.'&t=iframe-uploadfile&lang=zh_CN&formId=1';
$stream = $this->_uploadFile($url, $post_data);
echo '</pre>';
echo '</pre>';
* 获得用户发过来的消息(消息内容和消息类型)
public function getMsg()
if ($this->debug) {
if (!empty($postStr)) {
$this->msg = (array)simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$this->msgtype = strtolower($this->msg['MsgType']);//获取用户信息的类型
$this->eventkey = strtolower($this->msg['EventKey']);//获取key值
* 回复文本消息
* @param string $text
* @return string
public function makeText($text='')
$createtime = time();
$funcflag = $this->setFlag ? 1 : 0;
$textTpl = "<xml>
return sprintf($textTpl,$text,$funcflag);
* 回复图文消息
* @param array $newsData
* @return string
public function makeNews($newsData=array())
$createtime = time();
$funcflag = $this->setFlag ? 1 : 0;
$newTplHeader = "<xml>
$newTplItem = "<item>
$newTplFoot = "</Articles>
$content = '';
$itemsCount = count($newsData['items']);
$itemsCount = $itemsCount < 10 ? $itemsCount : 10;//微信公众平台图文回复的消息一次最多10条
if ($itemsCount) {
foreach ($newsData['items'] as $key => $item) {
$content .= sprintf($newTplItem,$item['title'],$item['description'],$item['picUrl'],$item['url']);//微信的信息数据
$header = sprintf($newTplHeader,$newsData['content'],$itemsCount);
$footer = sprintf($newTplFoot,$funcflag);
return $header . $content . $footer;
* 回复音乐消息
* @param array $newsData
* @return string
public function makeMusic($newsData=array())
$createtime = time();
$funcflag = $this->setFlag ? 1 : 0;
$textTpl = "<xml>
return sprintf($textTpl,'',$funcflag);
* 得到制定分组的用户列表
* @param number $groupid
* @param number $pagesize,每页人数
* @param number $pageidx,起始位置
* @return Ambigous <boolean, string, mixed>
public function getfriendlist($groupid=0,$pagesize=500,$pageidx=0)
$url = ''.$this->access_token.'&t=wxm-friend&lang=zh_CN&pagesize='.$pagesize.'&pageidx='.$pageidx.'&groupid='.$groupid;
$referer = "";
$response = $this->html($url, $referer);
if (preg_match('%< id="json-friendList" type="json/text">([\s\S]*?)</>%', $response, $match))
$tmp = json_decode($match[1], true);
return $tmp;
* 返回给用户信息
public function reply($data)
echo $data;
*@param type: text 文本类型, news 图文类型
*@param value_arr array(内容),array(ID)
*@param o_arr array(array(标题,介绍,图片,超链接),...小于10条),array(条数,ID)
private function make_xml($type,$value_arr,$o_arr=array(0))
//=================xml header============
//=================type content============
case "text" :
case "news" :
foreach($value_arr as $id=>$v){
if($id>=$o_arr[0]) break; else null; //判断数组数不超过设置数
} //end switch
//=================end return============
return $con;
public function get_user_list($next_openid = null)
$url = "".$this->access_token."&next_openid=".$next_openid;
$res = $this->http($url);
return json_decode($res, true);
public function get_user_info($openid)
$url = "".$this->access_token."&openid=".$openid."&lang=zh_CN";
$res = $this->http($url);
return json_decode($res, true);
public function send_custom_message($touser, $type, $data)
$msg = array('touser' =>$touser);
case 'text':
$msg['msgtype'] = 'text';
$msg['text'] = array('content'=> urlencode($data));
$url = "".$this->access_token;
return $this->http($url, urldecode(json_encode($msg)));
public function create_qrcode($scene_type, $scene_id)
case 'QR_LIMIT_SCENE': //永久
$data = '{"action_name": "QR_LIMIT_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id": '.$scene_id.'}}}';
case 'QR_SCENE': //临时
$data = '{"expire_seconds": 1800, "action_name": "QR_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id": '.$scene_id.'}}}';
$url = "".$this->access_token;
$res = $this->http($url, $data);
$result = json_decode($res, true);
return "".urlencode($result["ticket"]);
public function create_group($name)
$data = '{"group": {"name": "'.$name.'"}}';
$url = "".$this->access_token;
$res = $this->http($url, $data);
return json_decode($res, true);
public function update_group($openid, $to_groupid)
$data = '{"openid":"'.$openid.'","to_groupid":'.$to_groupid.'}';
$url = "".$this->access_token;
$res = $this->http($url, $data);
return json_decode($res, true);
public function upload_media($type, $file)
$data = array("media" => "@".dirname(__FILE__).'\\'.$file);
$url = "".$this->access_token."&type=".$type;
$res = $this->http($url, $data);
return json_decode($res, true);
private function checkSignature()
$signature = $_GET["signature"];
$timestamp = $_GET["timestamp"];
$nonce = $_GET["nonce"];
$token = 'weixin';
$tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce);
$tmpStr = implode( $tmpArr );
$tmpStr = sha1( $tmpStr );
if( $tmpStr == $signature )
return true;
return false;
// cURL函数简单封装
public function http($url, $data = null)
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
if (!empty($data))
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$output = curl_exec($curl);
return $output;