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namespace App\Common;
class RedisSession
* 保存session的数据库表的信息
private $_options = array(
'handler' => null, //数据库连接句柄
'host' => null,
'port' => null,
'lifeTime' => null,
'prefix' => 'PHPREDIS_SESSION:'
* 构造函数
* @param $options 设置信息数组
public function __construct($options=array())
if(!class_exists("redis", false)){
if(!isset($options['lifeTime']) || $options['lifeTime'] <= 0){
$options['lifeTime'] = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
$this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options);
* 开始使用该驱动的session
public function begin()
if($this->_options['host'] === null || $this->_options['port'] === null || $this->_options['lifeTime'] === null)
return false;
array($this, 'open'),
array($this, 'close'),
array($this, 'read'),
array($this, 'write'),
array($this, 'destory'),
array($this, 'gc')
* 自动开始回话或者session_start()开始回话后第一个调用的函数
* 类似于构造函数的作用
* @param $savePath 默认的保存路径
* @param $sessionName 默认的参数名,PHPSESSID
public function open($savePath, $sessionName)
if(is_resource($this->_options['handler'])) return true;
$redisHandle = new Redis();
$redisHandle->connect($this->_options['host'], $this->_options['port']);
return false;
$this->_options['handler'] = $redisHandle;
// $this->gc(null);
return true;
* 类似于析构函数,在write之后调用或者session_write_close()函数之后调用
public function close()
return $this->_options['handler']->close();
* 读取session信息
* @param $sessionId 通过该Id唯一确定对应的session数据
* @return session信息/空串
public function read($sessionId)
$sessionId = $this->_options['prefix'].$sessionId;
return $this->_options['handler']->get($sessionId);
* 写入或者修改session数据
* @param $sessionId 要写入数据的session对应的id
* @param $sessionData 要写入的数据,已经序列化过了
public function write($sessionId, $sessionData)
$sessionId = $this->_options['prefix'].$sessionId;
return $this->_options['handler']->setex($sessionId, $this->_options['lifeTime'], $sessionData);
* 主动销毁session会话
* @param $sessionId 要销毁的会话的唯一id
public function destory($sessionId)
$sessionId = $this->_options['prefix'].$sessionId;
// $array = $this->print_stack_trace();
// log::write($array);
return $this->_options['handler']->delete($sessionId) >= 1 ? true : false;
* 清理绘画中的过期数据
* @param 有效期
public function gc($lifeTime)
return true;
public function print_stack_trace()
$array = debug_backtrace();
$var = $this->read(session_id());
$s = strpos($var, "index_dk_user|");
$e = strpos($var, "}authId|");
$user = substr($var,$s+14,$e-13);
$user = unserialize($user);
unset ( $array [0] );
$traceInfo = $user['id'].'|'.$user['user_name'].'|'.$user['user_phone'].'|'.$user['presona_name'].'++++++++++++++++\n';
$traceInfo = '++++++++++++++++\n';
$time = date ( "y-m-d H:i:m" );
foreach ( $array as $t )
$traceInfo .= '[' . $time . '] ' . $t ['file'] . ' (' . $t ['line'] . ') ';
$traceInfo .= $t ['class'] . $t ['type'] . $t ['function'] . '(';
$traceInfo .= implode ( ', ', $t ['args'] );
$traceInfo .= ")\n";
$traceInfo .= '++++++++++++++++';
return $traceInfo;
/* $handler = new redisSession(array(
'host' => "",
'port' => "6379"
$handler->begin(); */