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namespace App\Http\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
class Goods extends BaseModel
* 关联到模型的数据表
* @var string
protected $table = 'goods';
* 表明模型是否应该被打上时间戳
* 默认情况下,Eloquent 期望 created_at 和updated_at 已经存在于数据表中,如果你不想要这些 Laravel 自动管理的数据列,在模型类中设置 $timestamps 属性为 false
* @var bool
public $timestamps = false;
protected $hidden = array();
//protected $guarded = []; //$guarded包含你不想被赋值的字段数组。
//protected $fillable = ['name']; //定义哪些字段是可以进行赋值的,与$guarded相反
* The connection name for the model.
* 默认情况下,所有的 Eloquent 模型使用应用配置中的默认数据库连接,如果你想要为模型指定不同的连接,可以通过 $connection 属性来设置
* @var string
//protected $connection = 'connection-name';
public $common_field = array(
'id', 'typeid', 'tuijian', 'click', 'title', 'description', 'sn', 'price','litpic', 'pubdate', 'add_time', 'market_price', 'goods_number', 'sale', 'comments','promote_start_date','promote_price','promote_end_date','goods_img','spec','point'
const GOODS_NORMAL_STATUS = 0; //商品状态 0正常 1已删除 2下架 3申请上架
* 获取关联到产品的分类
public function goodstype()
return $this->belongsTo(GoodsType::class, 'typeid', 'id');
public function getDb()
return DB::table($this->table);
* 列表
* @param array $where 查询条件
* @param string $order 排序
* @param string $field 字段
* @param int $offset 偏移量
* @param int $limit 取多少条
* @return array
public function getList($where = array(), $order = '', $field = '*', $offset = 0, $limit = 15)
$model = $this->getDb();
if($where){$model = $model->where($where);}
$res['count'] = $model->count();
$res['list'] = array();
if($res['count'] > 0)
if($field){if(is_array($field)){$model = $model->select($field);}else{$model = $model->select(\DB::raw($field));}}
if($order){$model = parent::getOrderByData($model, $order);}
if($offset){}else{$offset = 0;}
if($limit){}else{$limit = 15;}
$res['list'] = $model->skip($offset)->take($limit)->get();
//return $model->toSql();//打印sql语句
return $res;
* 分页,用于前端html输出
* @param array $where 查询条件
* @param string $order 排序
* @param string $field 字段
* @param int $limit 每页几条
* @param int $page 当前第几页
* @return array
public function getPaginate($where = array(), $order = '', $field = '*', $limit = 15)
$res = $this->getDb();
if($where){$res = $res->where($where);}
if($field){if(is_array($field)){$res = $res->select($field);}else{$res = $res->select(\DB::raw($field));}}
if($order){$res = parent::getOrderByData($res, $order);}
if($limit){}else{$limit = 15;}
return $res->paginate($limit);
* 查询全部
* @param array $where 查询条件
* @param string $order 排序
* @param string $field 字段
* @param int $limit 取多少条
* @return array
public function getAll($where = array(), $order = '', $field = '*', $limit = '', $offset = '')
$res = $this->getDb();
if($where){$res = $res->where($where);}
if($field){if(is_array($field)){$res = $res->select($field);}else{$res = $res->select(\DB::raw($field));}}
if($order){$res = parent::getOrderByData($res, $order);}
if($offset){$res = $res->skip($offset);}
if($limit){$res = $res->take($limit);}
$res = $res->get();
return $res;
* 获取一条
* @param array $where 条件
* @param string $field 字段
* @return array
public function getOne($where, $field = '*')
$res = $this->getDb();
if($where){$res = $res->where($where);}
if($field){if(is_array($field)){$res = $res->select($field);}else{$res = $res->select(\DB::raw($field));}}
$res = $res->first();
return $res;
* 添加
* @param array $data 数据
* @return int
public function add(array $data,$type = 0)
// 新增单条数据并返回主键值
return self::insertGetId(parent::filterTableColumn($data,$this->table));
* 添加单条数据
* $data = ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'];
* 添加多条数据
* $data = [
* ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'],
* ['foo' => 'bar1', 'bar' => 'foo1'],
* ['foo' => 'bar2', 'bar' => 'foo2']
* ];
return self::insert($data);
* 修改
* @param array $data 数据
* @param array $where 条件
* @return int
public function edit($data, $where = array())
$res = $this->getDb();
return $res->where($where)->update(parent::filterTableColumn($data, $this->table));
* 删除
* @param array $where 条件
* @return bool
public function del($where)
$res = $this->getDb();
$res = $res->where($where)->delete();
return $res;
* 取得商品最终使用价格
* @param string $goods_id 商品编号
* @param string $goods_num 购买数量
* @return 商品最终购买价格
/* public function get_final_price($goods_id)
$final_price = '0'; //商品最终购买价格
$promote_price = '0'; //商品促销价格
$user_price = '0'; //商品会员价格,预留
$goods = Goods::where('id',$goods_id)->where('status', self::GOODS_NORMAL_STATUS)->first(['promote_price','promote_start_date','promote_end_date','price']);
$final_price = $goods->price;
// 计算商品的促销价格
if ($goods->promote_price > 0)
$promote_price = $this->bargain_price($goods->promote_price, $goods->promote_start_date, $goods->promote_end_date);
$promote_price = 0;
if ($promote_price != 0)
$final_price = $promote_price;
return $final_price;
} */
* 取得商品最终使用价格
* @param string $goods_id 商品编号
* @param string $goods_num 购买数量
* @return 商品最终购买价格
public function get_goods_final_price($goods)
$final_price = '0'; //商品最终购买价格
$promote_price = '0'; //商品促销价格
$user_price = '0'; //商品会员价格,预留
$final_price = $goods->price;
// 计算商品的促销价格
if ($goods->promote_price > 0)
$promote_price = $this->bargain_price($goods->promote_price, $goods->promote_start_date, $goods->promote_end_date);
$promote_price = 0;
if ($promote_price != 0)
$final_price = $promote_price;
return $final_price;
* 判断某个商品是否正在特价促销期
* @access public
* @param float $price 促销价格
* @param string $start 促销开始日期
* @param string $end 促销结束日期
* @return float 如果还在促销期则返回促销价,否则返回0
public function bargain_price($price, $start, $end)
if ($price <= 0)
return 0;
$time = time();
if ($time >= $start && $time <= $end)
return $price;
return 0;
* 增加或减少商品库存
* @access public
* @param int $id 商品ID
* @param int $type 1增加库存
* @return bool
public function changeGoodsStock($where)
if(isset($where['type']) && $where['type']==1)
return $this->getDb()->where(array('id'=>$where['goods_id']))->increment('goods_number', $where['goods_number']);
return $this->getDb()->where(array('id'=>$where['goods_id']))->decrement('goods_number', $where['goods_number']);
public function getTypenameAttr($data)
return DB::table('goods_type')->where(array('id'=>$data['typeid']))->value('name');
* 打印sql
public function toSql($where)
return $this->getDb()->where($where)->toSql();