component_appid = $component_appid; $this->component_appsecret = $component_appsecret; $this->component_verify_ticket = $component_verify_ticket; $this->encodingAesKey = $encodingAesKey; $this->token = $token; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getLogcallback() { return $this->_logcallback; } /** * @param callable $logcallback */ public function setLogcallback($logcallback) { $this->_logcallback = $logcallback; return $this; } /** * 设置新的票据 * @param $component_verify_ticket */ public function setComponentVerifyTicket($component_verify_ticket) { $this->component_verify_ticket = $component_verify_ticket; } /** * 得到公众号服务授权的URL * @param string $pre_auth_code * @param string $redirect_uri * @return string */ public function getAuthCbUrl($pre_auth_code, $redirect_uri) { return self::WX_AUTH_CB_URL . "component_appid=" . urlencode($this->component_appid) . "&pre_auth_code=" . urlencode($pre_auth_code) . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($redirect_uri); } /** * 获得服务访问授权key * @return bool|mixed { * "component_access_token":"61W3mEpU66027wgNZ_MhGHNQDHnFATkDa9-2llqrMBjUwxRSNPbVsMmyD-yq8wZETSoE5NQgecigDrSHkPtIYA", * "expires_in":7200 * } */ public function getAccessToken() { $arr = array('component_appid' => $this->component_appid, 'component_appsecret' => $this->component_appsecret, 'component_verify_ticket' => $this->component_verify_ticket, ); $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_URL_PREFIX . self::GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, json_encode($arr)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 获得预授权码 * @param $access_token * @return bool|mixed{ * "pre_auth_code":"Cx_Dk6qiBE0Dmx4EmlT3oRfArPvwSQ-oa3NL_fwHM7VI08r52wazoZX2Rhpz1dEw", * "expires_in":600 * } */ public function getPreauthCode($access_token) { $arr = array('component_appid' => $this->component_appid); $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_URL_PREFIX . self::GET_PREAUTHCODE_URL . $access_token, json_encode($arr)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 使用授权码换取公众号的授权信息 * @param $access_token * @param $auth_code * @return bool|mixed{ "authorization_info": { * "authorizer_appid": "wxf8b4f85f3a794e77", * "authorizer_access_token": "QXjUqNqfYVH0yBE1iI_7vuN_9gQbpjfK7hYwJ3P7xOa88a89-Aga5x1NMYJyB8G2yKt1KCl0nPC3W9GJzw0Zzq_dBxc8pxIGUNi_bFes0qM", * "expires_in": 7200, * "authorizer_refresh_token": "dTo-YCXPL4llX-u1W1pPpnp8Hgm4wpJtlR6iV0doKdY", * "func_info": [{ "funcscope_category": { "id": 1 } }, * {"funcscope_category": {"id": 2 }}, * {"funcscope_category": {"id": 3}}] * } */ public function getWxAuthInfo($access_token, $auth_code) { $arr = array('component_appid' => $this->component_appid, 'authorization_code' => $auth_code); $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_URL_PREFIX . self::GET_WX_AUTH_INFO_URL . $access_token, json_encode($arr)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->log('test--------------' . $result); $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 获取(刷新)授权公众号的令牌 * @param $access_token * @param $authorizer_appid * @param $authorizer_refresh_token * @return bool|mixed { * "authorizer_access_token": "aaUl5s6kAByLwgV0BhXNuIFFUqfrR8vTATsoSHukcIGqJgrc4KmMJ-JlKoC_-NKCLBvuU1cWPv4vDcLN8Z0pn5I45mpATruU0b51hzeT1f8", * "expires_in": 7200, * "authorizer_refresh_token": "BstnRqgTJBXb9N2aJq6L5hzfJwP406tpfahQeLNxX0w" * } */ public function getWxAccessToken($access_token, $authorizer_appid, $authorizer_refresh_token) { $arr = array('component_appid' => $this->component_appid, 'authorizer_appid' => $authorizer_appid, 'authorizer_refresh_token' => $authorizer_refresh_token); $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_URL_PREFIX . self::GET_WX_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL . $access_token, json_encode($arr)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 获取授权方的账户信息 * @param $access_token * @param $authorizer_appid * @return bool|mixed {"authorizer_info": { * "nick_name": "微信SDK Demo Special", * "head_img": "", * "service_type_info": { "id": 2 }, * "verify_type_info": { "id": 0 }, * "user_name":"gh_eb5e3a772040", * "alias":"paytest01" * }, * "authorization_info": { * "appid": "wxf8b4f85f3a794e77", * "func_info": [ { "funcscope_category": { "id": 1 } }, { "funcscope_category": { "id": 2 } }, { "funcscope_category": { "id": 3 } }] * }} */ public function getWxAccountInfo($access_token, $authorizer_appid) { $arr = array('component_appid' => $this->component_appid, 'authorizer_appid' => $authorizer_appid); $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_URL_PREFIX . self::GET_WX_ACCOUNT_INFO_URL . $access_token, json_encode($arr)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->log('test###--------------' . $result); $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 获取授权方的选项信息 * @param $access_token * @param $authorizer_appid * @param $option_name * @return bool|mixed { "authorizer_appid":"wx7bc5ba58cabd00f4", * "option_name":"voice_recognize", * "option_value":"1" } */ public function getWxOptionInfo($access_token, $authorizer_appid, $option_name) { $arr = array('component_appid' => $this->component_appid, 'authorizer_appid' => $authorizer_appid, 'option_name' => $option_name); $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_URL_PREFIX . self::GET_WX_OPTION_INFO_URL . $access_token, json_encode($arr)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 设置授权方的选项信息 * @param $access_token * @param $authorizer_appid * @param $option_name * @param $option_value * @return bool|mixed { "errcode":0, "errmsg":"ok" } */ public function setWxOptionInfo($access_token, $authorizer_appid, $option_name, $option_value) { $arr = array('component_appid' => $this->component_appid, 'authorizer_appid' => $authorizer_appid, 'option_name' => $option_name, 'option_value' => $option_value); $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_URL_PREFIX . self::SET_WX_OPTION_INFO_URL . $access_token, json_encode($arr)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || $json['errcode'] > 0) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 处理component_verify_ticket * */ /** * @return array|bool * * * 1413192605 * * * */ public function processEventNotify($raw = '') { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { $dec_msg = ""; $postStr = $raw ?? file_get_contents("php://input"); if (!$postStr) { $postStr = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']; } if (!$postStr) { return false; } $pc = new \WXBizMsgCrypt($this->token, $this->encodingAesKey, $this->component_appid); $ret = $pc->decryptMsg($_GET['msg_signature'], $_GET['timestamp'], $_GET['nonce'], $postStr, $dec_msg); if ($ret === 0) { $arr = (array) simplexml_load_string($dec_msg, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); return $arr; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } public function responseEvent() { die("success"); } /** * 代公众号发起网页授权 oauth 授权跳转接口 * @param string $appid 公众号appId * @param string $callback 跳转URL * @param string $state 状态信息,最多128字节 * @param string $scope 授权作用域 snsapi_base或者snsapi_userinfo 或者 snsapi_base,snsapi_userinfo * @return string */ public function getOauthRedirect($appid, $callback, $state = '', $scope = 'snsapi_base') { return self::OAUTH_PREFIX . self::OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL . 'appid=' . $appid . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($callback) . '&response_type=code&scope=' . $scope . '&state=' . $state . '&component_appid=' . urlencode($this->component_appid) . '#wechat_redirect'; } /** * 代公众号发起网页授权 回调URL时,通过code获取Access Token * @return array|boolean {access_token,expires_in,refresh_token,openid,scope} */ public function getOauthAccessToken($appid, $component_access_token) { $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : ''; if (!$code) { return false; } $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_BASE_URL_PREFIX . self::OAUTH_TOKEN_URL . 'appid=' . $appid . '&code=' . $code . '&grant_type=authorization_code' . '&component_appid=' . urlencode($this->component_appid) . '&component_access_token=' . $component_access_token); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 代公众号发起网页授权 刷新access token并续期 * @param string $refresh_token * @return boolean|mixed */ public function getOauthRefreshToken($appId, $refresh_token, $component_access_token) { $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_BASE_URL_PREFIX . self::OAUTH_REFRESH_URL . 'appid=' . $appId . '&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=' . $refresh_token . '&component_appid=' . urlencode($this->component_appid) . '&component_access_token=' . $component_access_token ); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 获取授权后的用户资料 * @param string $access_token * @param string $openid * @return array|boolean {openid,nickname,sex,province,city,country,headimgurl,privilege,[unionid]} * 注意:unionid字段 只有在用户将公众号绑定到微信开放平台账号后,才会出现。建议调用前用isset()检测一下 */ public function getOauthUserinfo($access_token, $openid) { $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_BASE_URL_PREFIX . self::OAUTH_USERINFO_URL . 'access_token=' . $access_token . '&openid=' . $openid); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 检验授权凭证是否有效 * @param string $access_token * @param string $openid * @return boolean 是否有效 */ public function getOauthAuth($access_token, $openid) { $result = $this->httpPost(self::API_BASE_URL_PREFIX . self::OAUTH_AUTH_URL . 'access_token=' . $access_token . '&openid=' . $openid); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return true; } } return false; } public function setMiniProgramDomain($appID, $params, $accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::SET_DOMAIN . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode($params)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public function uploadTemplate($params, $accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::UPLOAD_TEMPLATE . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode($params, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public function getDraftTemplateList($accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::GET_DRAFT_TEMPLATE . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, ''); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); return $json; } return false; } public function getTemplateList($accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::TEMPLATE_LIST . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, ''); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); return $json; } return false; } public function auditDraftTemplate($accessToken, $draftID) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::AUDIT_DRAFT_TEMPLATE . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode(['draft_id' => $draftID])); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public function deleteTemplate($accessToken, $templateID) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::DELETE_TEMPLATE . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode(['template_id' => $templateID])); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public function getQrCode($accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::TEST_QR_CODE . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, ''); if ($result) { return $result; // 图片二进制流 } return false; } public function getCategory($accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::GET_CATEGORY . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, ''); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); return $json; } return false; } public function getPages($accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::GET_PAGES . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, ''); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); return $json; } return false; } public function auditTemplate($params, $accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::AUDIT_TEMPLATE . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode($params, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return $json; } } } return false; } public function bindTestUser($params, $accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::BIND_TEST_USER . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode($params)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public function unbindTestUser($params, $accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::UNBIND_TEST_USER . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode($params)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public function publishTemplate($accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::PUBLISH_TEMPLATE . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode(new stdClass())); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public function getAuditStatus($auditid, $accessToken) { $result = $this->httpPost(static::API_URL_PREFIX_MINI_PROGRAM . static::AUDIT_STATUS . '?access_token=' . $accessToken, json_encode(['auditid' => $auditid])); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result, true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } else { if ($json['errcode'] == 0) { return $json; } } } return false; } protected function log($log) { if ($this->debug && is_callable($this->_logcallback)) { if (is_array($log)) { $log = print_r($log, true); } return call_user_func($this->_logcallback, $log); } return true; } /** * POST 请求 * @param string $url * @param string|array $param * @param boolean $post_file 是否文件上传 * @return string content */ private function httpPost($url, $param = "", $post_file = false) { $oCurl = curl_init(); if (stripos($url, "https://") !== false) { curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1); //CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1 } if (is_string($param) || $post_file) { $strPOST = $param; } else { $aPOST = array(); foreach ($param as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { foreach ($val as $_k => $_v) { $aPOST[] = $key . "[]=" . urlencode($_v); } } else { $aPOST[] = $key . "=" . urlencode($val); } } $strPOST = join("&", $aPOST); } curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if ($strPOST != "") { curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $strPOST); } $sContent = curl_exec($oCurl); $aStatus = curl_getinfo($oCurl); curl_close($oCurl); if (intval($aStatus["http_code"]) == 200) { $this->log("wxcomponent httpPost: {$strPOST} recv:" . $sContent); return $sContent; } else { $this->log("wxcomponent httpPost: {$strPOST} recv error {$url}, param:{$param} aStatus:" . print_r($aStatus, true)); return false; } } /** * 微信api不支持中文转义的json结构 * @param array $arr */ public static function jsonEncode($arr) { $parts = array(); $is_list = false; //Find out if the given array is a numerical array $keys = array_keys($arr); $max_length = count($arr) - 1; if (($keys[0] === 0) && ($keys[$max_length] === $max_length)) { //See if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1 $is_list = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { //See if each key correspondes to its position if ($i != $keys[$i]) { //A key fails at position check. $is_list = false; //It is an associative array. break; } } } foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { //Custom handling for arrays if ($is_list) { $parts[] = self::jsonEncode($value); } /* :RECURSION: */ else { $parts[] = '"' . $key . '":' . self::jsonEncode($value); } /* :RECURSION: */ } else { $str = ''; if (!$is_list) { $str = '"' . $key . '":'; } //Custom handling for multiple data types if (!is_string($value) && is_numeric($value) && $value < 2000000000) { $str .= $value; } //Numbers elseif ($value === false) { $str .= 'false'; } //The booleans elseif ($value === true) { $str .= 'true'; } else { $str .= '"' . addslashes($value) . '"'; } //All other things // :TODO: Is there any more datatype we should be in the lookout for? (Object?) $parts[] = $str; } } $json = implode(',', $parts); if ($is_list) { return '[' . $json . ']'; } //Return numerical JSON return '{' . $json . '}'; //Return associative JSON } /** * 获取微信授权链接 * * @param string $redirect_uri 回调地址,授权后重定向的回调链接地址,请使用urlEncode对链接进行处理 * @param mixed $state 可以为空,重定向后会带上state参数,开发者可以填写a-zA-Z0-9的参数值,最多128字节 */ public function get_authorize_url($redirect_uri = '', $state = '') { return "".$this->app_id."&redirect_uri=".urlencode($redirect_uri)."&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=".$state."#wechat_redirect"; } /** * 微信PC扫码授权登录链接 * * @param string $redirect_uri 回调地址,授权后重定向的回调链接地址,请使用urlEncode对链接进行处理 * @param mixed $state 可以为空,重定向后会带上state参数,开发者可以填写a-zA-Z0-9的参数值,最多128字节 */ public function get_qrconnect_url($redirect_uri = '', $state = '') { return "".$this->app_id."&redirect_uri=".urlencode($redirect_uri)."&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_login&state=".$state."#wechat_redirect"; } /** * 获取授权token * * @param string $code 通过get_authorize_url获取到的code */ public function get_access_token($code = '') { $token_url = "{$this->app_id}&secret={$this->app_secret}&code={$code}&grant_type=authorization_code"; $token_data = $this->http($token_url); return json_decode($token_data, true); } /** * 获取授权后的微信用户信息 * * @param string $access_token * @param string $open_id */ public function get_user_info($access_token = '', $open_id = '') { $info_url = "{$access_token}&openid={$open_id}&lang=zh_CN"; $info_data = $this->http($info_url); return json_decode($info_data, true); } /** * 获取用户基本信息(包括UnionID机制) * * @param string $access_token * @param string $open_id */ public function get_user_unionid($access_token = '', $open_id = '') { $info_url = "{$access_token}&openid={$open_id}&lang=zh_CN"; $info_data = $this->http($info_url); return json_decode($info_data, true); } // cURL函数简单封装 public function http($url, $data = null) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); if (!empty($data)) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $output = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $output; } }