<?php namespace App\Http\Model;
class Cart extends BaseModel { //产品模型
/** * 关联到模型的数据表 * * @var string */ protected $table = 'cart'; /** * 表明模型是否应该被打上时间戳 * 默认情况下,Eloquent 期望 created_at 和updated_at 已经存在于数据表中,如果你不想要这些 Laravel 自动管理的数据列,在模型类中设置 $timestamps 属性为 false * * @var bool */ public $timestamps = false; //protected $guarded = []; //$guarded包含你不想被赋值的字段数组。
//protected $fillable = ['name']; //定义哪些字段是可以进行赋值的,与$guarded相反
/** * The connection name for the model. * 默认情况下,所有的 Eloquent 模型使用应用配置中的默认数据库连接,如果你想要为模型指定不同的连接,可以通过 $connection 属性来设置 * @var string */ //protected $connection = 'connection-name';
const CART_GENERAL_GOODS = 0; // 普通商品
const CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS = 1; // 团购商品
const CART_AUCTION_GOODS = 2; // 拍卖商品
const CART_SNATCH_GOODS = 3; // 夺宝奇兵
const CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS = 4; // 积分商城
public static function getList(array $param) { extract($param); //参数:limit,offset
$limit = isset($limit) ? $limit : 10; $offset = isset($offset) ? $offset : 0; $goods = self::join('goods', 'goods.id', '=', 'cart.goods_id') ->where('cart.user_id', $user_id) ->where('goods.status', Goods::STATUS) ->select('cart.*','goods.id as goods_id','goods.title','goods.sn','goods.price as goods_price','goods.market_price','goods.litpic as goods_thumb_img','goods.goods_number as stock','goods.promote_start_date','goods.promote_price','goods.promote_end_date') ->skip($offset)->take($limit) ->get(); if($goods) { foreach ($goods as $k => $v) { $goods[$k]->is_promote = 0; if(Goods::bargain_price($v->goods_price,$v->promote_start_date,$v->promote_end_date) > 0){$goods[$k]->is_promote = 1;} //订货数量大于0
if ($v->goods_number > 0) { $goods[$k]->price = $goods_price = Goods::get_final_price($v->goods_id);
self::where('id', $v->id)->update(array('price' => $goods_price)); } } } return $goods; } public static function getOne($where) { $goods = self::where($where)->first(); return $goods; } public static function add(array $data) { if ($id = self::insertGetId($data)) { return $id; } return false; } public static function modify($where, array $data) { if (self::where($where)->update($data)) { return true; } return false; } //删除一条记录
public static function remove($id,$user_id) { if (self::whereIn('id', explode(',', $id))->where('user_id',$user_id)->delete() === false) { return false; } return true; } /** * 添加商品到购物车 * * @access public * @param integer $goods_id 商品编号 * @param integer $num 商品数量 * @param json $property 规格值对应的id json数组 * @return boolean */ public static function cartAdd(array $attributes) { extract($attributes); //获取商品信息
$goods = Goods::where(['goods_id' => $goods_id, 'status' => Goods::STATUS])->first(); if (!$goods) { return '商品不存在'; } if (isset($property) && json_decode($property,true)) { $property = json_decode($property,true); } else { $property = []; } } /** * 清空购物车 * * @param int $type 类型:默认普通商品 */ public static function clearCart($user_id) { self::where('user_id',$user_id)->delete();
return true; } //购物车总价格
public static function TotalPrice($user_id) { $goods = self::where('user_id',$user_id)->get(); $total = 0; foreach ($goods as $k => $v) { $total += ($v['goods_number'] * $v['goods_price']); } return (float)$total; } //购物车商品总数量
public static function TotalGoodsCount($user_id) { return self::where('user_id',$user_id)->sum('goods_number'); } }