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  1. @extends('')
  2. @section('title', '广告列表')
  3. @section('content')
  4. <h2 class="sub-header">广告管理</h2>[ <a href="/fladmin/ad/add">添加广告</a> ]<br><br>
  5. <form name="listarc"><div class="table-responsive"><table class="table table-striped table-hover">
  6. <thead><tr>
  7. <th>ID</th>
  8. <th>名称</th>
  9. <th>是否限时</th>
  10. <th>结束时间</th>
  11. <th>管理</th>
  12. </tr></thead>
  13. <tbody>
  14. <?php if ($list) { foreach ($list as $row) { ?><tr>
  15. <td><?php echo $row->id; ?></td>
  16. <td><?php echo $row->name; ?></td>
  17. <td><?php if ($row->is_expire == 0) { echo '不限时间'; } else { echo '限时标记'; } ?></td>
  18. <td><?php if ($row->end_time > 0) { echo date('Y-m-d', $row->end_time); } ?></td>
  19. <td><a href="/fladmin/ad/edit?id=<?php echo $row->id; ?>">修改</a> | <a onclick="delconfirm('/fladmin/ad/del?id=<?php echo $row->id; ?>')" href="javascript:;">删除</a></td>
  20. </tr><?php } } ?>
  21. </tbody></table></div><!-- 表格结束 --></form><!-- 表单结束 -->
  22. <nav aria-label="Page navigation">{{ $list->links() }}</nav>
  23. @endsection