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  1. @extends('')
  2. @section('title', '轮播图修改')
  3. @section('content')
  4. <h5 class="sub-header"><a href="/fladmin/slide">轮播图列表</a> > 轮播图修改</h5>
  5. <form id="addarc" method="post" action="/fladmin/slide/doedit" role="form" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="table-responsive">{{ csrf_field() }}
  6. <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
  7. <tbody>
  8. <tr>
  9. <td align="right">标题:</td>
  10. <td><input name="title" type="text" id="title" value="<?php echo $post->title; ?>" class="required" style="width:30%" placeholder="在此输入关键词"><input style="display:none;" name="id" type="text" id="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"></td>
  11. </tr>
  12. <tr>
  13. <td align="right">链接网址:</td>
  14. <td><input name="url" type="text" id="url" value="<?php echo $post->url; ?>" style="width:60%" class="required"> (请用绝对地址)</td>
  15. </tr>
  16. <tr>
  17. <td align="right">跳转方式:</td>
  18. <td>
  19. <input type="radio" value='0' name="target" <?php if(isset($post->target) && $post->target==0){echo 'checked';} ?> />&nbsp;_blank&nbsp;&nbsp;
  20. <input type="radio" value='1' name="target" <?php if(isset($post->target) && $post->target==1){echo 'checked';} ?> />&nbsp;_self
  21. </td>
  22. </tr>
  23. <tr>
  24. <td align="right">显示平台:</td>
  25. <td>
  26. <input type="radio" value='0' name="type" <?php if(isset($post->type) && $post->type==0){echo 'checked';} ?> />&nbsp;pc&nbsp;&nbsp;
  27. <input type="radio" value='1' name="type" <?php if(isset($post->type) && $post->type==1){echo 'checked';} ?> />&nbsp;weixin&nbsp;&nbsp;
  28. <input type="radio" value='2' name="type" <?php if(isset($post->type) && $post->type==2){echo 'checked';} ?> />&nbsp;app&nbsp;&nbsp;
  29. <input type="radio" value='3' name="type" <?php if(isset($post->type) && $post->type==3){echo 'checked';} ?> />&nbsp;wap
  30. </td>
  31. </tr>
  32. <tr>
  33. <td align="right">是否显示:</td>
  34. <td>
  35. <input type="radio" value='0' name="is_show" <?php if(isset($pos->is_show) && $pos->is_show==0){echo 'checked';} ?> />&nbsp;是&nbsp;&nbsp;
  36. <input type="radio" value='1' name="is_show" <?php if(isset($pos->is_show) && $pos->is_show==1){echo 'checked';} ?> />&nbsp;否
  37. </td>
  38. </tr>
  39. <tr>
  40. <td align="right">排序:</td>
  41. <td>
  42. <input name="listorder" type="text" id="listorder" value="<?php echo $post->listorder; ?>" size="3" />
  43. </td>
  44. </tr>
  45. <tr>
  46. <td align="right">所属的组:</td>
  47. <td>
  48. <input name="group_id" type="text" id="group_id" value="<?php echo $post->group_id; ?>" size="3" />
  49. </td>
  50. </tr>
  51. <tr>
  52. <td style="vertical-align:middle;" align="right">图片:</td>
  53. <td style="vertical-align:middle;"><button type="button" onclick="upImage();">选择图片</button> <input name="pic" type="text" id="pic" value="<?php echo $post->pic; ?>" style="width:40%"> <img style="margin-left:20px;<?php if(empty($post->pic) || !imgmatch($post->pic)){ echo "display:none;"; } ?>" src="<?php if(imgmatch($post->pic)){echo $post->pic;} ?>" width="120" height="80" id="picview"></td>
  54. </tr>
  55. <!-- 配置文件 --><script type="text/javascript" src="/other/flueditor/ueditor.config.js"></script>
  56. <!-- 编辑器源码文件 --><script type="text/javascript" src="/other/flueditor/ueditor.all.js"></script>
  57. <script type="text/javascript">
  58. var _editor;
  59. $(function() {
  60. //重新实例化一个编辑器,防止在上面的editor编辑器中显示上传的图片或者文件
  61. _editor = UE.getEditor('ueditorimg');
  62. _editor.ready(function () {
  63. //设置编辑器不可用
  64. _editor.setDisabled('insertimage');
  65. //隐藏编辑器,因为不会用到这个编辑器实例,所以要隐藏
  66. _editor.hide();
  67. //侦听图片上传
  68. _editor.addListener('beforeInsertImage', function (t, arg) {
  69. //将地址赋值给相应的input,只取第一张图片的路径
  70. $('#pic').val(arg[0].src);
  71. //图片预览
  72. $('#picview').attr("src",arg[0].src).css("display","inline-block");
  73. })
  74. });
  75. });
  76. //弹出图片上传的对话框
  77. function upImage()
  78. {
  79. var myImage = _editor.getDialog("insertimage");
  80. myImage.render();
  82. }
  83. </script>
  84. <script type="text/plain" id="ueditorimg"></script>
  85. <tr>
  86. <td colspan="2"><button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="Submit">保存(Submit)</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<button type="reset" class="btn btn-default" value="Reset">重置(Reset)</button></td>
  87. </tr>
  88. </tbody></table></form><!-- 表单结束 -->
  89. <script>
  90. $(function(){
  91. $(".required").blur(function(){
  92. var $parent = $(this).parent();
  93. $parent.find(".formtips").remove();
  94. if(this.value=="")
  95. {
  96. $parent.append(' <small class="formtips onError"><font color="red">不能为空!</font></small>');
  97. }
  98. else
  99. {
  100. $parent.append(' <small class="formtips onSuccess"><font color="green">OK</font></small>');
  101. }
  102. });
  103. //重置
  104. $('#addarc input[type="reset"]').click(function(){
  105. $(".formtips").remove();
  106. });
  107. $("#addarc").submit(function(){
  108. $(".required").trigger('blur');
  109. var numError = $('#addarc .onError').length;
  110. if(numError){return false;}
  111. });
  112. });
  113. </script>
  114. @endsection